Pandora’s Box: Final Project!

Hello guys! 🙂

So last week I updated y’all on the process about my new sketch models. After that Cheryl gave me more feedback during class and so based on the new feedback, I went on to create my single final model!

Unfortunately, on Friday I came down with a fever during class and couldn’t stay through the whole thing to see the other’s works and the critiques. :'( Plus when I was packing up to drag myself to the school clinic (damn cheap btw) I totally forgot to take pictures of the final model itself. Should’ve probably taken them the day before but I was so tired already and I had other work to do. 🙁 But I will be uploading them on Monday! So I’ll just put the description here first.

Here are the links to the previous posts concerning my process with Pandora’s Box:

3D Sketch Model: ‘Complementary’

Second Draft 3D Sketch Models for Pandora’s Box


The final model is made out of 3 boxes! The biggest box was my original orange Nike box, except I trimmed the top cover of the box to make it fit more like a uniform box instead of sticking out like normal shoebox covers. Initially I wanted to make the bottom box entirely out of wood, but I couldn’t find such big slabs of wood, so I improvised and instead bought cork tape to cover up the box to give a ‘woody’ effect. This was so that I could convey a sense of being grounded but not too flashy as well. The next box is a small box wedged into the top of the big box made out of foam, then covered in hard black paper, such that it would be very muted and less noticeable. After that, I stacked up the final box that was also made out foam, but covered in aluminium sheets that I had cut and glued all over the box (very tedious ouch). I wanted to bring out a feeling that the top box was very heavy and significant, to bring about the feeling of ‘levitation’ into the overall structure as well. I was inspired by modern house structures that are very industrial looking and make use of wood, glass and black metal as complementary materials.

I made it such that the relationships between all the boxes was obvious even from different directions, as I’ll show in the 2D Sketch Analyses later. The large ‘wooden’ box is the dominant, the aluminium box is the subdominant, whereas the little black box is the subordinate.



2D Sketch Analysis of Final Pandora’s Box: Front View
2D Sketch Analysis of Final Pandora’s Box: Back View
2D Sketch Analysis of Final Pandora’s Box: SIde View
2D Sketch Analysis of Final Pandora’s Box: Top View
2D Sketch Analysis of Final Pandora’s Box: Bottom View

As you can see from the analyses, I aligned the middles of the dominant and the subdominant for a more balanced look, thus bringing in a complementary sense. However, I decided to position the subordinate more to side to bring in more interest into the composition, but still at the 1/3 marking of both the subdominant and the dominant, thus tying both the ideas of unity and variety into the model without discounting on the design aspect. Furthermore, I used the positioning such that all the boxes would be visible from any angle. If I had made the subordinate shorter, or placed the subdominant further outwards, from the top or bottom views, there would have been boxes that would have been obscured.




Small-scale application for Final Pandora’s Box
Small-scale application for Final Pandora’s Box

My small-scale application for my model would be a Study Buddy, a machine to assist students or office workers in organising their study life/daily schedules! The first picture shows how the Buddy will be used, whereas the second picture shows the Buddy before it is put to use. The top will be a clock displaying the time and personalised messages. It can even show the weather and other relevant information with a click of a button. The lower half will be used as a message board to hold post-its, reminders, memos, inspirational messages and photos..the list goes on! Apart from that, there is an additional night light attached to the box that can be turned on and off, depending on the time of the day, making sure that the user does not strain their eyes.



Large-scale application for Final Pandora’s Box

My choice for the large-scale application would be a restaurant table! The large surface will serve as a table, whereas the smaller subdominant will serve as a small side table for the customer to place their belongings, or stack their finished dishes on. The subdominant red box is a small drawer to store cutlery and tissues for the customers to use, and could also serve as a beverage dispenser.



While I am fairly happy with my final work, I feel that there were certain aspects I could have improved on. For example, I could have made more use of the crafting techniques like wedging, cradling and piercing, and I could have contrasted the materials better, like making the top of the dominant different from the material of the subordinate. I will definitely take note of these and improve on these aspects for the next Project, Gaia’s Ikebana. Till then, see yall next post! :)))

  • Niki



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