Storyboarding – Summary Post

Listing and linking all storyboarding-related posts here for convenience! Storyboarding was challenging but an absolute riot.


[Week 1-2] Reverse Storyboarding – Analysis for 2 Movies

[Week 3] 3 Sets of Storyboards (drawn under duress time constraint) from Prompt 1

[Week 4] 2 Perspective Drawings for “Perfect Day for Bananafish”

[Week 5] 2 Perspective Drawings from Prompt 2

[Week 6] Visual metaphors in storyboard for “Perfect Day for Bananafish”

[Week 7-9] Midterms [Draft 1][Inspiration][Draft 2][Workshop][Animatic & Storyboards]

[Week 9-12] Finals [Everything is here]


Would I be a storyboard-artist next time? I have no idea. I really admire the professional storyboardists’ ability to think in movement and space, both things which I absolutely must work on.

I’m not entirely sure if I have the makings of a storyboardist, because the parts of the class I really enjoyed were the story. I confess that the process of bringing them to life felt a lot like pulling teeth, but going through the entire “storyboarding to animatic” process prompted helpful realisations about my own artistic journey.

Regardless, art is not something you can improve on just by watching – sure, it is important to see more and look closer, but if we never pick up a pencil (or a pen, or a camera, or whatever), we’re never going to really learn. Here’s what I will want to improve on in the upcoming vacation/semesters:

– movement (more gesture drawing? dynamic movement? life drawing???? yes)
– perspective/space & characters in space: sketch-walks, perspective drawing?

That’s all for this Sem! Had a blast. See y’all!


Author: Natasha

can't spell PROCESS without OSS *finger guns*

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