In-Class Assignment: Project 3 Revisit

Documentary of JUPJUP ISLANDA

Rhythm: Repetition of regulated sound

For this Project 3, I think the rhythm was set by the “Gibberish Talk” that was always at a constant tone and pace. The continuous usage of the same tone to speak and talk allows the rhythm to be set.

Movement: Shift or variation in location of anything

The video was set as a documentary of JUPJUP ISLANDA, introducing the different places and aspects of the islanda, moving from place to place.

For 58 to 60 seconds, there was a perceived absence of movement, stillness, that was present before the individual falls from the JUPJUP JUMP. This allowed some contrast as people were more likely able to focus on the background sounds of the heartbeats.

Causality: Principle that everything has a cause and effect

The documentary has a linear narrative, by first beginning with the big picture of where the islanda is located, followed by how the islandars live their life through play only and finally ending with how an islandar would end his or her day.

For 42 to 46 seconds, the jailed lady throws a bottle and is followed by a black screen accompanied with the sound of glass breaking. From the sound, viewers can infer that the bottle is now broken.

Duration: Overall length of time

The video lasts for 1 minute and 41 seconds. This was an appropriate time for the documentary as it encompasses the lifestyle of the islanda from morning to evening without the viewers getting bored.



In-Class Assignment: Sound Walk

Sound Walk

During this class exercise, June and I took a walk to various places to capture the sounds around us.

STE – 000: Toilet Flushing
STE – 001: Footsteps while walking
STE – 002: Ping Pong Ball
STE – 003: Pond water falling (1)
STE – 004: Watering of Plants
STE – 005: Pond water falling (2)
STE – 006: Pond water falling (3)
STE – 007: Running on Grass
STE – 008: Dried leaves rustling when stepped on
STE – 009: Mechanical Machines (Fan Turbine)
STE – 010: Birds Chirping
STE – 011: Van Driving Pass
STE – 012: People conversing
STE – 013: Sensor beeping when door is open for long periods
STE – 014: Typing on Keyboard
STE – 015: Pages of book being flipped
STE – 016: Snoring
STE – 017: Impatient Hand Movement
STE – 018: Vending Machine Buttons
STE – 019: Ice cubes clanging in a cup

The 3 most interesting sounds to me are those that are in bold (STE – 002: Ping Pong Ball; STE- 011: Van Driving Pass; STE – 019: Ice cubes clanging in a cup).

STE – 002: Ping Pong Ball

It showcases as a Synchronized Sound as conversations of people are recorded at the same time as the sound of the ping pong ball. There is also a foreground sound and a background sound that was recorded. This tells the listener what the recorder wants to focus on.

STE – 011: Van Driving Pass

This was interesting for me as it was the only sound that could showcase distance. At the start of the sound, it was softer and gradually becomes louder suggesting that the van is moving closer towards the recorder. At the end of the recording, the engine of the van becomes softer and gradually fades away. This suggests that the van has now moving further away from the recorder.

STE – 019: Ice cubes Clanging in a cup

When June and I reviewed this sound, we were actually very confused about what it was. It was interesting because the sound effect that came out was very different from what we expected and did not seem to connect to the action that produced this sound. In fact, it even gave us creepy and eerie vibes instead. Hence it was interesting.





In Class Exercise: Text and Image

Group 2: Text and Images (June, Tom, Shin Yi)

Literal: Identifying what is actually present in the image.

Symbolic: The pure image (without linguistics) that offers symbols (signifiers) that relate or review some kind of concept (signified).

Linguistic: Concerns the text — involves Anchorage and Relay

  • Anchorage:  Clarify or emphasis something in the image, anchors a certain part of the image (usually a logo)
  • Relay: To expand on or explain the significance of the image such as providing context


  • Literal: Should not use African Man but simply Black Man as you cannot observe that he is African unless you read the text.

In-Class Assignments on Project 2: The Subverted Object

Class Exercise

I really found this activity very interesting because it helped me to create more ideas and better concepts. This exercise was particularly useful for me due to the introduction of the techniques of Removal, Replacement and Redefinition.



Some of the stronger concepts and ideas were actually developed through this process and I decided to use them in my Project 2.