Hand, Head Drawings and Basic Watercolour [Foundation Drawing]

Hand Drawing


We recapped what we learnt the week before about how to draw hands. This time we were given time in class to do it too.


I received feedback that the hand I drew above was wrong. The palm was too small. The palm and fingers should be of roughly the same size.


Head Drawing


We were then taught how to draw the head. The head can be perceived a L-shaped block. The highest point of the head is at the back, and not the center. The neck is connected to the head at an angle. The next is almost always titling forward, unless the subject is purposely pushing their neck back or looking up/back.


Basic Watercolour

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Prof Woonlam thought us how to do basic watercolour through painting fruits and veggies. As above!

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(The above are my tryouts) I loved this exercise the most! It was really fun haha. I didn’t find it easy, it was a lot of looking at work prof painting and trying to copy it. I feel that I still need to improve in knowing how much amount of each colour to mix to get what I want. As I was looking at Prof’s use of colour, I couldn’t really get back the same hues. I still don’t know how to paint, in the sense that where do I not paint? I love how not painting it gives a sort of emptiness yet it feels so full somehow. I feel that I’m learning in how to control the wetness of paint. I learnt that you should paint it wet first, then let it dry a bit before painting again. Also, wet paint glides faster and more easily, whereas drier paint doesn’t smudge as much.


Prof also showed us a bit on how to paint Chinese ink paintings.


Prof also showed us a painting/drawing by using a charcoal stick and dipping its end into Chinese ink to draw.

One thought on “Hand, Head Drawings and Basic Watercolour [Foundation Drawing]”

  1. Using colors, you have to be very sure about Color attributes. Color intensity , the pureness of color is important in depicting the freshness and vibrancy of fruits and veggies. Therefore wet in wet is an appropriate approach for that, but don’t solely depending on this approach. Other approaches are good too. Most important, understand the advantage of OPTICAL MIXING. Will explain a bit when we discuss about color theory.

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