emo – ink on brush

another session on monoprint experimentation.

i focused more on creating textures and patterns from brushes unlike last week where props were involved.

acrylic paint and calligraphy ink were both of my mediums used.

with no intention of creating a specific type of line work in mind, i went with the flow with whatever my hand took me with.

the results actually turned out quite well. there were some that i was satisfied with such as for the emotion “hurt” where i created sharp lines by using the edges of the metal palette knife. the patterns were inspired from the cuts and blood we’d usually get from a fall.

i also realized that dry inked brushes tend to give out better results for depressive emotions as it creates a raw, messy, clouded feeling.

File 8-9-16, 15 36 36

File 8-9-16, 15 36 14

next: happy emotions.



Author: Natalie Cheng

only human, just like you.

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