Let’s date!

Let’s Date:

A love life that is completely unorthodox. Pushing the boundaries of the very basis of human interaction and conscience between two individuals. How the way the male protagonist treats the female lead will determine a specific outcome for her: The better he treats her, the greater the extent of self-harm inflicted. However if he treats her badly (of course subjected to the extent) there will not be any outcome and the relationship continues. (For each scenario, the outcome will also be listed in the section for the good deed.) This project borrows the concept of “lesser of two evils”, which aims to find out how bad is bad and how good is good. 

I. Planning stage

Sketches of the rough storyboarding


This is how a page would roughly look like. There are definitely many room for improvements and design thinking concepts to apply to make this work.


Coming up with lesser of two evils:


Two individuals meet at:


Published by

Isaac Chu

Chuwy to the Potter. I don't chew well and neither do I pottery.

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