
Here’s a series of add ons for interactivity ideas:

  1. AXIS – Anatomy of space
    kaleidoscopic journey full of movement with AXIS

This experiments with the concept of space and human interactivity with gravity and  sound.

“The visualisation of sound for AXIS arrived through a music notation system synchronised to the generation of pure light – expanded points and lines.”

How do they do it?

“Optical devices, along with mapping and sound technologies alter how the human body is perceived in space and in time. Sequenced code renders breathing geometry that is traversed by the dancer in motion during this 35-minute digital transmission. The dancers are conductors travelling through a space tensioned with the happening of projected light.”

2. Robotic Arm 

This man built a working robotic arm from scratch. Best part: He made his designs available to all to inspire others who do not have a limb to make their own. This is very motivating because as we move forward into the near future, it involves crowd sourcing and a lot of open source collaborations and I think for what we are studying in IM, we can explore and perhaps push the boundaries with what we do in the class to tackle real world situations and maybe change the direction we are taking with classroom activities and learning.



3. “Ocarina Switch

In this project, a short musical verse played through an ocarina acts as a switch to a smart home, triggering lights and fans etc. But all that effort to just switch on something, is it really worth it? hahaha


4. Face Projection Mapping

The play of narrative on life unto the technology used to create this art piece is phenomenal. With state of the art projectors and sensors used to create real time projection, it made the projection seem as though it was part of the skin. The narrative also explores “‘death’, ‘suffering’, and ‘sadness’. And then, the ‘opportunity’ to overcome those things.”. Check it out now!


5. Moonlite

Telling stories through what we used to know as the viewmaster. This is an adaptation of it, only now, it’s digitally projected with the use of a smartphone LED flash light. And, more interestingly, used to tell stories with animations and sounds. Still prefer actually reading a book and I think the viewmaster is still better.

6. People I saw but never met


Let’s date!

Let’s Date:

A love life that is completely unorthodox. Pushing the boundaries of the very basis of human interaction and conscience between two individuals. How the way the male protagonist treats the female lead will determine a specific outcome for her: The better he treats her, the greater the extent of self-harm inflicted. However if he treats her badly (of course subjected to the extent) there will not be any outcome and the relationship continues. (For each scenario, the outcome will also be listed in the section for the good deed.) This project borrows the concept of “lesser of two evils”, which aims to find out how bad is bad and how good is good. 

I. Planning stage

Sketches of the rough storyboarding


This is how a page would roughly look like. There are definitely many room for improvements and design thinking concepts to apply to make this work.


Coming up with lesser of two evils:


Two individuals meet at: