What I Remember 04

I finally got down to trying out scanography with a home printer! It’s not exactly a very tedious process, but it’s very dependent on moving the photo at the right timing to get the effect at the right position. Here’s an example of how I did it:

The outcomes from experimenting with various movements to distort the photos were quite interesting, although it is difficult to replicate the exact effect again due to the nature of the process. Anyway, here are some of the methods I tried for each photo:

Basic CMYK

Basic CMYK

Currently it looks really really trippy and I quite like what has been produced so far. In my experimentations, I tried scanning extra elements in the hopes of enhancing the meaning of the photos. I’m not really sure if it works or how I can further improve this, will wait for the sharing session to hear what Robert & my classmates think about it so far. I thoroughly enjoyed the process of making, though I’m questioning if the photos look too complex and manipulated to make out what I’m trying to express.

What I Remember 03

Some examples of scanography found in zines:

tumblr_nia0eoqiel1svgodmo4_1280Using objects to create patterns

tumblr_nia1kbmdxt1svgodmo1_1280Using layers of paper

tumblr_nia36e0oot1svgodmo3_1280 tumblr_nia36e0oot1svgodmo4_1280Using motion & abstraction

I feel that motion & abstraction can be interesting as it does not distract the viewer from the subject matter (image), but brings more attention to certain areas of the photo that the creator might want to emphasise on. In the example shown above, it is also very emotive & expressive although there is a lack of colour. Hope all goes well!

Rectilinear 05

IMG_3659 (2)
For my final model, I decided to try combining two joining methods. Initially, the D was wedged almost at the centre of the SD, but I felt that it looked too balanced, hence I decided to shift it. The D is now wedged off-centre, to create an asymmetrical effect so that it will look more interesting from different views. My original plan was to pierce the SO through both the D & SD. However, I thought that I would like to experiment with the position of the SO, and to challenge myself in terms of crafting. Now the SO is pierced through the D, but wedged to the SD. It is arranged to be slightly imbalanced so that it would look less like a symmetrical cross.

These are the comparisons of the composition, before and after modification. I feel that the composition has been given more character after the adjustments. Although the hierarchy in the views are not consistent, it pushes the limits of D, SD & SO.









My Line is Emo 01

These are the emotions I’ve chosen to express through lines & their definitions.


attraction; (noun)
a quality or feature that evokes interest, liking, or desire

My imagination:
– towards a single point
– almost touching
– long, flowy lines
– lively
– directional


longing; (noun)
a yearning desire

My imagination:
– long lines
– draggy
– slow movement


passion; (noun)
1 strong and barely controllable emotion
2 an intense desire or enthusiasm for something

My imagination:
– imagery of burning fire
– growing outwards
– transition from small to big


ecstasy; (noun)
1 an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement
2 an emotional or religious frenzy or trance-like state

My imagination:
– psychedelic
– swirls
– repetitive
– dynamic


eagerness; (noun)
enthusiasm to do or to have something; keenness

My imagination:
– transition of concentration
– slow to fast movement
– short, fast strokes


excitement; (noun)
a feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness

My imagination:
– imagery of confetti
– short, wavy lines
– slight curves
– organised mess


amazement; (noun)
a feeling of great surprise or wonder

My imagination:
– adventure
– discovery
– journey
– long, wavy lines


surprise; (noun)
a feeling of mild astonishment or shock caused by something unexpected

My imagination:
– jumping
– widespread arrangement
– variety of patterns

Seamless geometrical contrast background with black and white circles

wonder; (noun)
a feeling of amazement and admiration, caused by something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar

My imagination:
– “wide-eyed wonder”
– uniform pattern
– complex & detailed composition
– more round than angular lines


torment; (noun)
annoy or provoke in an unkind way

My imagination:
– imagery of being trapped
– angular lines
– dark /black elements
– inconsistent arrangement


frustration; (noun)
the feeling of being upset or annoyed as a result of being unable to change or achieve something

My imagination:
– imagery of veins popping out
– fast, energetic strokes
– messy & inconsistent


temper; (noun)
a person’s state of mind seen in terms of their being angry or calm

My imagination:
– violent, angular strokes
– slightly wavy lines
– contrast of lines


tenseness; (adj)
in a state of mental or nervous strain; high-strung; taut

My imagination:
– straight lines
– close to one another
– slight gaps
– tension in all directions


panic; (noun)
sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, often causing wildly unthinking behaviour

My imagination:
– messy, wavy lines
– spreading out from a single point
– inconsistent arrangement


timid; (adj)
showing a lack of courage or confidence; easily frightened

My imagination:
– small dots/lines
– imagery of hiding
– static


depression; (noun)
feelings of severe despondency and dejection

My imagination:
– imagery of closing within self
– imagery of falling deep into something
– dark/black elements


regret; (noun)
a feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over an occurrence or something that one has done or failed to do

My imagination:
– droopy lines
– u-turn
– downward direction


mourning; (verb)
feel regret or sadness about (the loss or disappearance of something)

My imagination:
– dark/black elements
– imagery of tears & rain
– long, wavy, downturned lines