Project Management – Week 01

/ B I O G R A P H Y

Tisya Wong is bad at biographies.

However, she is an aspiring artist-designer hybrid, with a particular interest in creating immersive spatial experiences. She is currently pursuing a Degree in Interactive Media at the School of Art, Design & Media in NTU.

Wong has always been curious about human behaviour – but more specifically, our interactions with objects and spaces. With a background in product design, Wong is also a firm believer of physical interactions, as well as its interdependent and intertwining relationship with technology. She also has a keen interest in material exploration and a mild obsession with water.

Her work is inspired by issues that result from our behaviour, spanning across a wide range of topics such as plastic pollution and abandoned furniture. Through her work, Wong hopes to bring an awareness and make an impact in the lives of others by changing the lens through which they see the world.

/ W O R K

Recycled plastic bags, Nylon string, Electronic wires, Ultrasonic sensors, Servo motors, Arduino Uno,  Projectors, Macbook Pros, Speakers

Plastic Gyre is an interactive installation inspired by plastic trash islands that float around the World’s oceans. The work merges data visualisation and physical interaction to create an awareness of the damage that has been done to our natural environment. Driven by sensors that are triggered by the viewer, changes in the movement and light on the plastic body reveal a harsh truth – that the beautiful surface of our oceans may soon be replaced by our plastic trash.

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/ R E S U M E
/ I N S P I R A T I O N

WeltenLinie, 2017
by Alicja Kwade

Kwade’s installation deals with optical illusion through the use of space, creating a disorientating experience.  With the use of mirrors and identical objects as well as carefully-crafted placement, Kwade’s work attempts to engage the viewer by blurring our perception of reality and changing our perspective of the space as we move around it.
