Graphic Form Assignment 1 – Hello, My Name Is Part 2

After consultation with ms joy, I realised that I am diverting too far away from my initial direction of showing irony of an animal doing work that is against their nature for Auditor and Takoyaki seller.

Similarly, researching on body posture of penguins to help in my illustrations.

Thus back to original takoyaki seller, I observed that the sellers usually need to be quick witted and agile as they have many steps to follow hence I chose penguin, a clumsy and slow animal on land to deal with the quick pace job to depict the irony against it’s nature.

For my art approach for Auditor, the concern lies in the fact similarly to the takoyaki seller, I begin to divert too far away from the direction. Being that for auditor, they are mainly dealing with paper work resources and it is very difficult to portray, I begin to add in complicated structure and layers which resulted in a very messy scene.

I then decided to take a step back and research for the ethical values of an auditor, what they should not do and I pick up 4 traits

-Not validating for clients

-Not signing blindly for client documents

-Not accepting bribes

-Not helping client to bank in their money

Final outcome of the artwork that I have after completing the necessary changes.

The sequential order are from Auditor => Takoyaki Seller => Joss Stick Seller => Carpenter. There is a backstory on why did I chose the dull colour at first which slowly transcend to a lighter colour.

The story for the transitional sequence lies in me being an accountant diploma graduate, hence it was a clear path that auditing is a job that I will take up due to it’s high increment, but I hated my life in school and it was one of the darkest period of my life hence I chose to use a darker colour, subsequently I have the opportunity to bid for a stall in school to set up as a student venture to sell Takoyaki which unfortunately I have failed the bid, but the idea of being able to have the opportunity to be my own boss lighten my mood up.

Comes to Joss stick, it became a point where I realised that I have failed my first application to NTU ADM, where I felt that life has no meaning anymore as my efforts in building my portfolio has all gone to the drain hence I have decided to devote myself into taking over my father’s business in selling joss stick.

Lastly, after rejecton, I persevered on by interning at a design firm to build my portfolio, where I have coincidentally met a carpenter, he became my advisor and everything else was history. Thus I show this as a turning point where I sees the light, thus the colour brighten up.


Graphic Form Assignment 1 – Hello, My Name Is Part 1

In regards to this new assignment, we were an in class activity to make use of graphic typography to illustrate our names into three different designs.

These were what I have tried to do

Carpenter using work tools

CP wanton using food and kitchen wares

Chinese name visual metaphor (余谦平)direct translation into “Fish, Thousand and Balance”

We were then revealed with the assignment task – we will have to illustrate our names to synchronize with four different occupations, and these were what I have chosen

Carpenter – my current freelance occupation which I am intending to pursue in future.

Auditor – related to my course in poly, accountancy, however it is an occupation that I will not touch.

Takoyaki – Interestingly, I tried to sign up for a competition to bid for the shop as student venture, but I failed.

Joss stick – I have thoughts to take over my father business after I failed my first university application.

The initial point of the planning was on the decision to choose my name to represent, the list of options were “CP, YCP, Chien Ping or Ping”. The secondary point came where I have to decide whether I want to use upper or lower case for my name depiction. After much consideration “ping” was used as I personally felt that the word ping has a sentimental feeling to me, being that in Chinese, we would usually address someone from their last name, for examples like “小平, 阿平, 平啊”. And lastly, it will rhymes better to put an occupation appointment with my last name – Carpenter Ping than Carpenter Chien, Carpenter CP, Carpenter Yee.


I have decided depict myself as ants, as ants have quality of hard driven workers, which I can relate as I have gone a long way and facing challenges to do carpentry. Ms Joy then change my approach on what if the ants are termites, the natural enemy of wood. Hence the approach would be that the termites are actually working with their food. Irony!

This scene is set inside a furniture firm that has in built carpentry facilities, I wanted to show that how the termites are actually having the leisure of not slacking, but eating the wood and outside the shop, anything that are make of wood is seen to be consume halfway.

I have researched on the colour of wood and anatomy of termite to help in my illustrations.

Joss Stick Seller


Depicted myself as a bee, because of the working production line to pack the joss sticks into packet and in the end to delivery, everyone works like a busy bee.

Ms Joy then changed my perspective that what if the bees are fire flies, irony as they might accidently light the joss stick up.

Similarly, I have researched on fireflies, joss sticks and even burn cardboard boxes in order to create a similar expression in illustration.

Indiana Senate Votes Unanimously to Make Firefly State Insect

Takoyaki Seller

Depict myself as octopus, as a representation of takoyaki, octopus filled rice ball.Ms joy then mentioned what could be an irony that people just follow the queue and don’t know what they are buying, trying to show cannibalism.

Second update, decided to make use of bonito flakes, what if the flakes are made from the leg skin, to show that behind the scene of how unhygienic food practices are and also to add a twist towards the idea of cannibalism, like the fish are selling it’s own body parts as food.

Researching on bonito flakes and bonito fish to understand how they can be illustrated.

Seen in this illustration, the takoyaki flag is depict as “p”, the table that the Octopus eats on with the bonito flake bucket is “i”, the takoyaki stall is “n” and lastly behind the scene where the bonito are prepared is “g” from the conveyor belt into the cooking wok.


I have decided to depict myself as a dog, as auditors are deemed to be dogs of the corporate world as they smell out the frauds and dishonesty of companies.

Decided to go ahead with fox, as foxes are sly and cunning, they are a far fetch of a dog who is loyal and trustworthy. Researching on fox anatomy to aid in my illustration.

In this situation, it was seen that as a Fox auditor, I am accepting bribe from the client, the furniture depicts a “p”, the power point slides portraying ficticious sales depicts “i”, two foxes skiving at the pantry to depicts “n” and the irony that behind the scene, the company is depicts to be shady yet for the front scene, the security is depict to be tight where employees needs to go pass the gantry. This is to show that the employees having no knowledge of the dirty deeds that their superiors are doing.