Final Assignment

My inspiration for this project was Kim Jung Gi. He used mainly inks and lines in his work. He utilised perspective to create a warp/ fish eye space.

I’ve been a fan of him for quite awhile so for this project, I wanted to mimic his style and create an artwork from it. With my theme set to 古代装, I tried to do some sketches on some elements I want inside my drawing. I wanted an ancient chinese setting.

However, the drawings didn’t went as well as thought, hence, I’ve decided to focus on just one element which is the buildings. Some problems I faced throughout my final is that I couldn’t foresee my perspective, it was quite hard for me when penning down what I want in my mind. I tried using the box technique that mr woonlam taught and realised it worked! (i forgot to take photo of the process T_T)


Below are some research images:


The final is shown below: