2D Project 2- Process

This project proves to be quite tedious as I met alot of thinking blocks along the way. Initially, I wanted to use 4 different quotes to make a social commentary of how we pursue unlimited wants and they are:

1) Heavenly Forest

“I wonder if anybody’s nice enough to stop.”

2) Harry Potter

“After all this time?” “Always”

3) X-Men: Apocalypse

“Everyone fears that which they do not understand”

4) The Little Mermaid

“The seaweed is always greener in somebody else’s lake”

For the little mermaid’s quote, I was pretty inspired by Hokusai’s great waves, hence, I decided to incorporate the waves in my collage. Initially, the plan was to have this “imaginary” cycle of how the fishes wanted to be like Arial- have a face and able to talk, and I will do the same vicious for the three other quotes. However, after I consulted Joy in my first consultation, she proposed a suggestion of having one quote and to expand my vicious cycle to a larger scale. Also, to have 4 collages come together to show a circle so that it resembles a cycle.

On my second consultation, I had my 4 collages done but after consultation, I realised that there were many problems like some collages being too dark and the hint for the circle being too strong. Hence, I decided to redo my collages.


The silkscreen printing process was another problem like my other classmates. When I tried silkscreen printing for the first time, it turns out well. However, when I wanted to print the design on the bag, the prints turn out to be either too dark or too light. After 5 trys and 2 tote bags, I was able to get the right tone I want on my 6th trys. YAYY!! Lesson learnt: Use ample ink and glide the ink on the screen with minimum strength.

Proceeding on with my collages, I went onto tumblr for inspirations as I was pretty much experiencing major blocks and couldn’t fork up any ideas. These are some of the artworks I took inspirations from. All in all, I managed to overcome the blocks and come up something.

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Coming to a conclusion for this project isn’t an easy feat as I have consulted Lei twice with 2 different story plots and ended up with an entirely different story as my final plot.

Initially, I wanted to go with a vlog style whereby I will depict a day of my life. However, the interesting thing about this idea is that I will be in a role-playing game and live as a character inside the game. However, after exploring further with this idea, I realised the infeasibility of this as I do not have the skills to create animated characters and I couldn’t find an interesting perspective to incorporate real life photos and animated illustrations together. Also, I met some difficulties trying to materialise a concrete story which then led me to my next idea. Hopefully, as I attend more 4D classes, I will learn to pick up some animation skills.

Inspired by a Chinese game called 倩女幽魂

On my second consultation with Lei, I had a concrete story in my mind. I decided to go with a pseudo spin-off of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

In the story, a girl fell into an alternative space called Marshland when she got the golden ticket from eating a packet of marshmallows. This story depicts the journey of the girl as she proceeds on in Marshland, she learns to adapt to the place when she found out that wasn’t able to go back to the real world anymore.


Below are some storyboards that I have drawn:

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However, yet again, as I dipped further into the story, I wanted to tap into real photography whereby I am able to relate and recount my story through photos instead of drawing cartoonish characters. At this point, I was out of ideas on the theme to follow and story to come up with.

As I was doing some researching for my 2D project on movies, I came across these two movies, Heavenly Forest and Gone Girl. This two films instantly inspired my story and perspective for my final product.lain in the final.

Throughout this project, I have learnt to judge my abilities before curating an idea or product and that knowing my limits is utterly crucial in creating a product.