CHAPTER 1: In-processing

Today is the first day of work for Dominic.

Wearing a black suit and a blue tie, Dominic took his first steps into the Gori Building. After he was screened by the security guards, he went to the reception and followed the instructions he was given beforehand: dial 3568 (ELMT) on the phone and wait for an escort to orientate you to your super secret office.

In about 7 minutes, a smaller figure wearing a T-shirt with rolled-up sleeves, and dark blue cargo pants, appeared before him. He noticed a large tattoo which seemed to look like a owl with horns on his biceps.

“Hi, I’m Aydren. Please follow me.”

Dominic deposited his phone at the reception and followed Aydren to a emergency staircase, where he saw a hidden elevator.

They both entered the elevator and with Aydren scanning his retina in the scanner, the elevator started moving downwards at an alarming speed.

Suddenly the lights in the lift turned off and with a huge jerk, the lift stopped abruptly. Both of them looked spooked but after regaining their composure, Aydren went to pry open the door.

Both of them climbed out into a dark empty space. Aydren took out his torch and with the beam of light, both could see a hallway with 4 doors which was labeled: Security Room, Offices, Ops Room and Pantry.

Choose where would you like to explore and find your way out of this place.

14 thoughts on “CHAPTER 1: In-processing”

  1. Aydren:
    I grab Dominic’s tie to pull him closer so that I can hiss close to his ear, “Newbie. Refrain from doing anything stupid, yeah?”

    I let go then turn around and choose to begin by stealthily investigating if any of the rooms are occupied; by listening for sounds within the rooms or by finding lights beneath the doors. I want to start with the Ops Room.

  2. I heed aydren’s advice and tailed behind him with extra caution. I had a gut feeling that there might be something out there ( or could very well be my fear ) and so I kept a look out for aydren’s back as he tries to breach into the ops room…

  3. Aydren reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. Once opened, Dominic saw the tools Aydren had in his wallet: 3 pieces of lock picking tools, a multi-purpose steel card and a card knife. Aydren passed the knife card over to Dominic.

    “Go check out the security room.”
    [OOC: Dominic can choose to disagree.]

    With a torch in one hand and the other on the door handle, Aydren breached the door of the Ops Room.

    The Ops Room was in disarray – every workstation was flipped, glass screens were cracked, loose wires are hanging lowly from the ceiling and the main monitor was showing the BSOD.

    You decided to investigate further.
    [OOC: You can just make up stuff u find/notice]

  4. [OOC] Don’t mean to be sassy here, but you just hijacked Aydren. I didn’t want to enter the Ops Room (my exact words were “stealthily investigating if any of the rooms are occupied; by listening for sounds within the rooms or by finding lights beneath the doors”? I believe?) Neither did I want to tell Dom to go off anywhere. So do you even need me here to act as Aydren anymore?

    And how can I just make up stuff to find or notice? This is your world and your scenario, how am I supposed to know what the the pieces of evidence I investigate are supposed to say?! How am I supposed to even proceed like this?! [/OOC]

  5. [OOC] Because if you really want me to make up what I find? Well then. [/OOC]

    I click a button on the computer, and the BSOD clears away instantly. It is replaced with a looping GIF of a nude dancing woman with a dinosuar’s head, the song Ievan Polka playing on repeat in the background.

    I look up at the wires on the ceiling, on closer inspection, they are in fact strings of sour candy! I tear off some and eat it, yum!

    Looking into the cracked glass screens, I find tiny grumpy little gnomes sitting inside. They look up at my looming face and put down their tiny mugs of beer and pull their tiny cigars away from their tiny mouths. They say, with surprisingly deep Scottish accents, “Ey faggot, fuck out of our house.”

    I find post-it notes on each of the flipped worktables in a multitude of colours. They all say “(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻”

    [OOC] Yeah sorry that entire thing was just me trolling. But seriously. Why am I the one deciding what I should be discovering? [/OOC]

  6. [OOC] hahahahaha that was pretty funny… hmm Im still confused about what “I can or cannot control” bit.. and I assumed you were entering the room from Dominic comments about “tries to breach the ops room” so okay.. i overlooked it. lets ignore my comment post above and go with this one instead:[/OOC]

    There were no lights and movement coming from the Ops Room, only loud static noises. Do you wanna breach it or investigate another room?

  7. Aydren:
    My skin prickles with unease as I hunch down and attempt to breach the door. Withdrawing my lockpick tools, I pop the lock with a quiet click and stand.

    I size up the new guy with my eyes. The reports said he scored rather high on the fitness tests, and he was rather broad and muscled…

    “Well, newbie? Open the door.”

    I step back and out of the way.

    1. ” Me? ”

      “alright then…”

      My hands are trembling slightly as I reach for the door handle and with a slight push, the door creaked as it opens…

  8. The Ops Room was in disarray, workstations flipped, glass screens were cracked and loose wires were hanging losely fron the ceilings.

    A bright figure could be seen at the back of the room, and it seemed to be something like a virtual hologram. He glaces at you and with loud static noises, it disappears by disintegrating itself into the wirings.

    Another 3 men could be seen at the corner of the room, unconscious.

    Choose your next move.

  9. Aydren:

    When nothing immediately jumps out to attack the newbie, I let a little tension leave my body. I edge forward into the room.

    “Good boy,” I murmur as I pass him, picking my way carefully across the glass shards on the floor.

    I steer clear of the hologram, heading first to the unconscious men to see if I could identify them and check for signs of life.

    [OOC: are we armed?]

  10. [OOC: Because you are in HQ, you don’t have guns or weapons but you can use anything you find in the surroundings. I’m fine with a card knife if you have in your wallet lol]

    All three men had no visible wounds on their body but they were not breathing nor had any pulse. On a closer look, you knew that you have seen them in this building before. They were probably desk-bound agents of ELMT.

    The main monitor of the Ops Room suddenly turned on and it displayed a logo of The Horsemen – a bunny figure with a horsemask – on a BSOD backdrop, and started playing a tune of glitchy music.

    In this instant, 5 armed men stormed the room, tackling Dominic and pinning him on the ground. From their full combat attire, you know that they are from ELMT.

    How would you handle the situation?

  11. Aydren:
    Instinctively, my hands fly toward a stray piece of broken wood, but I only just manage to stop myself. Forcing myself through some breathing exercises, I try to calm myself, “They are not the enemy. They are NOT the enemy.”

    Slowly, I sink to my knees, raising my hands with open palms in a sign of surrender.

    “Hold your fire,” I declare, my voice surprisingly steady despite my nerves, “We are agents of ELMT and we are unarmed. I am Aydren, this is Dominic, please contact your superiors to confirm our identities.”

    I take in a shaky breath, “And will someone please tell us what the fuck is going on here?!”

  12. [OOC: no problem, fixed it for you! its btw.]

    While ignoring Aydren’s inquiry, one of them came over and brought Aydren to Dominic’s side, while the other 3 of them scanned the room.

    “All clear!”

    The agent that brought you over scanned you both with his camera attached to his rifle, and a “positive” sounding beep followed after.

    “Alright, your credentials checks out. Agent Gray, please take them.”

    They finally released Dominic who was still pinned down a few moments ago. Agent Gray escorts both of you to headquarters, while the rest took control of the situation and tended to the other 3 dead personnel.

    [OOC: sorry, gonna end it here. more will come in the next chapter soon.]

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