wk5: Sound & spaces

Gleanings from previous critique session


Questions to ask:

    1. Who is the actor?
      tired people of NTU that needs to getaway, take a break
    2. What is the experience?
      -Place of rest and getaway
      -A place to linger
      -A place where you can close your eyes to experience or to stare into blank space
      -Cool and comforting
    3. How does the context and contents influence the behaviours?
      >Soft (Like foam or cloth)
      -Material used
      -Color choices
      -Lighting perception- white light
    4. How would the public ( first Impressions) view it?
      -Want to walk in and experience it firsthand
      -Mindful of the experience and the members that are already inside
      -Interesting concept and space that could be unique
    5. How would people perceive it?
      -Individual sanctuary
    6. Do we force people to pass through? VS drawing people in (this!!)



Things to consider:

  1. The physical is primary, the mental influence is secondary (our hope is that whatever the physical installation is, it would spark the mental influence that we hope for)
  2. Be practical!!
  3. Almost religious /personal experience?
  4. Simple- like a sponge scape?
  5. Mindful/ sitting area?
  6. An alternative silent room/conducive environment for a silent zone
  7. Context specific + DOABLE
  8. Creative way to induce the feeling

Things to do:

  1. Streamline to one idea (What kind of silence do we want to achieve?)
  2. Shortlist environments
  3. Curation of materials to create forms
  4. Material specifications (sound barriers??)
  5. Proof of concept (do up a prototype)

maybe its abt doing a

WHO: tired people of NTU that needs to getaway, take a break

WHAT: Permanent experiential installation located at an arm’s length from ntu’s busiest areas , such as north and south spine.

WHERE: ntu’s busiest areas , such as north and south spine.

WHEN: During the active hours of the day

WHY: NTU is a bustling education hub, full of learners, thinkers, dreamers and makers. We would like to create something to provide respite, a moment to experience silence.

Sensory overload- regulatory patch, to create a space, environment and shell that is yours.




The sound-reactive illumination takes the spectator through the emotional and physical journey of the performer at the center. The sequenced installation builds the setting, following the motion of the story while providing a consistent spatial response for the viewer.
Sound sensitive installations

Woods from Nocte on Vimeo.


audience as the performer?

2. Sound sensitive light installation flickers according to voice

BruumRuum! from artec3 Studio on Vimeo.

3. Akousmaflore

Living musical plants
Vvvv cool!!

Quite tactile though

  1. More tactile installations

-using the medium to connect the participants



Using a fabric/water

5. Using breaths to transform the environment

Exploring the principle of breathing allows us to evoke the territory which constitutes the atmosphere.

We share this territory but we modify it with our various activities. There is an interrelationship between the fact of breathing, of have an action on the environment and to breath this feedback.

Also, take time to breathe is a symbolic way for taking again conscience of the natural rhythms, (biological and seasons for example) opposite to the productivity. It’s also an invitation to the concentration, the meditation.

Interesting idea haha but i think the application doesn’t really work


5. At rest

Clasped together in this way, they are ambiguously evocative of praying hands, or hands offering something, or even hands severed from the human body altogether, like a momento mori symbol. They have a human-like quality and the sensation of touch is palpable, but their pale white colour suggests the contrasting state of death.




7.Composition #11, Brandal


Our moodboard

Exploration on Time through Sound

We started by listing out some of our main focuses for this project.

Themes & thoughts: Time through sounds.
“An invitation to PAUSE, view, be with, and to explore.”
“To bring attention to sounds that have been ignored to forefront”
“Expressions of each other, is time or sound the key focus?”
To look at how discursive design can help bring our messages across.

Next we set the definition and parameters of Time and Sounds for this project.


  • Time is relative for everyone in NTU.
  • The university as an institutional body hold different meanings for different members of this body at different stages .
  • Although the main consumers of the institution are the students, who are undergoing their final stages in their educational life, we must also consider other members.
  • Time mainly has two main playing factors , stage in life, period of stay, the permanence of their period in this body
  • Educators, members of faculty
  • Family of educators that live in this “ village”
  • Members of staff, administration, research, service , cleaners.
    These are the key background players of the university , and their period or term here actually the longest as compared the to the students themselves (as students only stay at for approximately 4 years during their period of study) 
  • Students at different levels
  • Visitors
    Perhaps the most important members in the institution, they are the driving force of the university, it embodies what the institution operates for.


  • Sounds never occur in isolation.
  • We are constantly being bombarded with a wide range of sounds. A key component in understanding our acoustic environment is through our brains being able to mediate the perception of the sounds around us though attention. This problem is known as the cocktail party syndrome
  • By focusing both sensory and cognitive resources on key information from our environment, we then naturally classify sounds based on their importance.
  • Naturally important sounds usually transmit information to us
    Voices , Music,
  • Background sounds usually carry information, but however not important to us at the point of time.
    Machine sounds, Wind, Rustling.
  • However these the importance of these sounds are interchangeable as they still carry information to us, and may actually alert us to certain dangers.

We listened to an audio podcast reading on-Place. Time. Sounds

Take away points

  • The role of silence in music
  • Place, time and sounds
  • The absence of produced sounds
  • Listening as a performative act
  • To become a listener
  • Sound as multiplicity
  • “I hear sound and lose it”
  • Sound is a cultural artefact
  • Urging people to listen to the sound of the world
  • Let sounds to be themselves
  • Listening in the world rather than to it
  • Making listeners performers, and performers into listeners

Sketches & ideation 

Exploration 1/ Of sounds that we may have taken for granted 
For instance the sound of human voices when hearing automated messages

Method: Provide visual or sensory prompts for people to be more aware of sounds

  • showcase sounds in the different form
  • prompts the user to subconsciously match the existing sounds to those in their memory bank
  • To target the secondary sounds of a physical or mental environment and not the most distinct, loudest or obvious ones.It’s a collective diary of the micro daily 
    Different outlets/forms that produce one time sounds that can be uploaded. Not only sounds but compliments, insults, worries, ideas, thoughts, questions and gleanings  contributed by the people of NTU.OR

    An archival of memories of/from people who pass through NTU; commemoration of arrivals and departures. Be it students, staff, families or tourists. 

    Translating audio/verbal anecdotes into moving images/compositions or text

Forms: 2d Kinetic Artwork
-Sound landscape produced by Mercedes-Benz engine Andreas Nicolas Fischer
-Generative art (created by an autonomous systems)


-Split flap display

Examples:  MONUMENT TO CHANGE AS IT CHANGES   2011-Peter Wegner

-Visual database in real time

It (data/narratives) could be represented literally or abstracted 


Forms: 3D static space, installations or sculptures

-2016, The Oculus at The World Trade Center, NYC
Courtesy of Sennheiser and SET Creative

-Soundscape by Edmond Wong
Visualization of the chinese national anthem

Exploration 2// Sound of Silence

To appreciate either silence or noise

-Meditative or disorientating experience


To block out noise to provide silence in a busy environment either physically or through creating dead zones with technology, speakers.

Noise cancelling panels that revolve and create momentary periods of noise reduction.

To be done in a different experiential way as compared to what was offered already. Instead of just sitting in a room as part of mediative environment, we want to bring it forward to passageways in the school.

Create divisions to public spaces during events through paneling, noise cancelling can be directional.

FORMS:  Physical representatives

-Anechoic Chambers


Assignment 1: Self portrait

First in class assignment- drawing portraits

Research & ideation for assignment 1/

Left: @brookesmartillustration
I love the minimal use of outlines as well as the watercolor texture and the use of negative spaces.

Right: Mónica Andino

Color blocking, minimal use of outline/ outlines used to suggest depth.

Left: Julia Sarda for The Liszt

Right: Griz & Norm, Frida Khalo

Left: Kimberlie Wong
Right: Maria-Ines Gul 

Left: Karol Banach

Right: Matt Chase


For my compositions I wanted to showcase the juxtaposition between by two very different aesthetic styles- #SlowLiving vs. #MakeLifeaPARTY. I find myself drawn to minimalistic, clean lines and geometric shapes, but I too love loud patterns, crazy textures and of course iridescent glitter. I also wanted to feature my love for plants as well as my pet goldfishes.

 For the first composition the image is set in my mythical room, in an almost symmetrical manner. On the left is how I would image my own room when I am in a calm state, embracing a zen and minimal life. On the right is how my room would be without any restraint, a party hat for good measure.

I also wanted to try the application of textures in this composition. 

This composition is inspired by one of my favourite childhood nursery rhymes:
“If all the raindrops
were lemon drops and gum drops
Oh what a day that’ll be!”

It just brings that childlike wonder and imagination that I’d like to keep as part of my personality even as I grow up, seeking out everyday magic. That and my love of rainy weather. Bright sunny yellow and thunderstorm grey are my favourite colors.

In this diagonal composition I’ve kept the top part a little more realistic with plants and raindrops/gumdrops, and as it transitions down the backdrop looks almost like a wallpaper with raining cakes, sprinkles and biscuits (I love baking!)

After consultation with Lisa we decided to go with this composition, perhaps pushing the outfit to become really crazy at the bottom.

This composition is inspired by a playing card, depicting 2 scenes- land and underwater. I wanted to try something like a stamp overlay with this composition creating layers for the environment.



p1 p2p4 p3


Initially I was rather hesitant to put in my 2D work because I know they could be better. However after deliberating I decided to use this project to express my gratitude for all the favour I’ve received this semester.

It hasn’t been an easy journey this past almost year, it has been riddled with self doubt and frustration however it is always better to end the year giving thanks.

As these pages document snippets of each project, the accompanying text are phrases and verses that have encouraged my heart.

And as Henrietta Lange says “It is the end of the beginning.”



Ego equations


I was really excited to start on this project as we were free to use any medium to interpret our equations. It took a bit of time to consider what I wanted to include because…there’s just so much that makes me, me.

To be honest, it was all a bit of a mess when it came to planning… evidently

and the mess just grew and grew…

But the end was perfect, I am very proud of what I’ve accomplished


This equation is me, represented by paper outfits.
At times I’m a colorful mess, though I am am also super particular about structure and order, therefore my end product is a series of origami dresses(which I would totally wear) flying on a pegged line.

I chose origami because it represents a series of orderly steps which I really need most of the time, yet the prints celebrate my love for color and patterns.

IMG_8855  IMG_8859IMG_8857

Inspiration: Morgana Wallace


I’m really scared of lots of things and sometimes it can be an impediment for me to go out and try new things. To be a better me, I would like to be a braver person, like the song goes

“Here I am, a rabbit hearted girl
Frozen in the headlights

I must become a lion hearted girl
Ready for a fight”

For an adventurous spirit, I used Suzy Bishop as a symbol as I really liked her in Moonrise kingdom. I feel that she best represents an unrestrained adventurer with a few quirks I can identify with. I included her iconic binoculars and suitcase.

For the second image I used a color gradient to show the depth of the pool. I chose to paint in primary colors on a dark background to make it pop.

IMG_8850 IMG_8854-min


Suzy Bishop-Moonrise Kingdom

Rabbit heart- Florence + the Machine

The Lion King


I’ve always wanted to be a farmer, to plant things or dreams, good thoughts and friendships and watch them grow. I also really want to be a tree, to grow where I’m planted, confidently at my own pace. The only thing that would make this journey of planting and growing more meaningful, is to be able to share it with others.

Elements used:
Construction paper, tissue paper, clay, acrylic paint

2015-10-27 10.05.322015-10-27 10.59.492015-10-27 13.33.21


IMG_8843 IMG_8849

2015-10-26 07.31.01
Katie Sokoler
Night gardening- http://colormekatie.blogspot.sg/2012/03/night-gardening.html
Pop-up garden- http://colormekatie.blogspot.sg/2012/06/pop-up-garden.html



In 5 years time I would like to marry my love for craft and baking into something or rather someplace that I can earn a living with.

IMG_8846 IMG_8852

Screen Shot 2015-11-02 at 2.34.12 pm








Lines project-final words

Top 3 lines

1/ Turbulent

When things get tough, I like to imagine myself as a sailor navigating through choppy waves. Somehow picturing it like this helps me to remember that there will always be a way out once the storm stills. The style of this is a cartoon like illustration of “friendly” looking waves to mimic how I feel about turbulent times, the tiny boat overwhelmed by the waves is a representation of me. As the phrase says “this too shall pass” as with everything, so do the turbulent times.



The most exhausting periods of my life were those moments struggling through Chinese exams. This language though beautiful had been the bane of most of my time in school. I picked the chinese phrase 唉聲嘆氣 as I did do that quite a bit, and still do in times of exhaustion. To create this piece, I deconstructed the word ‘嘆’ to its very basic elements, and deliberately made the front portion to be tighter than the back to simulate the release of a sigh.

I really like this as I can totally identify with those lines in the strip of paper, every time I look at it I take a deep sigh secretly in my heart, expressing the exhaustion I feel now in school.

3/ Sensual


I was curious how something like a production or a music piece could be described as sensual, I’ve only seen it applied to people or objects (like lace!). After reading up on a couple of definitions & examples, I figured at the very root of it “sensual” must be something that is sensory. Perhaps a sensual piece of music could be the feeling of the melody touching your ears? Therefore I dipped my fingers in paint and rubbed over paper, almost similar to the action of caressing.

I like how compared to my other lines, this one was much more free spirited and textural as I used my fingers to paint. 

Learning outcomes
I’ve learnt that it takes a lot more thought and time to really come up with something as simple as lines. That at times, certain art pieces may look deceptively simple but heart and effort has been invested to creating those works. Also, I learnt that lines are the building blocks of almost…everything! Even the alphabet are made up of lines, they are indeed everywhere.

On a personal note, getting to see my classmates interpretation of what each emotion means to them was something quite interesting for me as I had never expected such a varied result. To be absolutely honest, seeing the works of others made me feel a little small, as there were many fantastic results. I admired the way they could let loose and experiment with various mediums and methods, and even allowing the brush/pen to go as their emotions lead. I’ve also come to realize that I am a very controlled individual, hesitating to allow myself let go. I guess my biggest takeaway is that at times, experimenting without expectations can produce beautiful results, and it isn’t a waste of time. Also that there are many, many beautiful things in the minds of others, including my own and there is really no purpose in comparison.

The dot that walked & walked

I began the ideating process by drawing out mind maps that included the meanings of the words, as well as certain experiences I associate with the word.

After accumulating various ideas, I proceeded to begin my experimentation process for each word. For this assignment I’ve stuck to acrylic paint.

Experimentation & Process


^Initial ideas



Final work




The Story
To me, crows are the very embodiment of the word ‘Aggressive’. I was attacked by a crow as a kid and had developed a fear of birds since then. The feeling of the the crow’s claws on my scalp is something I’ll never forget.

The most nightmarish situation for me, would be being caught in the middle on a whole pack of crows (or any crazy carnivorous birds…) and that is why my final interpretation shows vicious beaks from all four corners, congregating in the middle; expressing the same aggression of birds circling around their prey in the air, before swooping down to catch them.

Initially I tried experimenting with the claws of a venus fly trap, but it was rather difficult to translate the aggressiveness of the carnivorous plant into lines. After multiple attempts I decided to work on another idea and picked the crows instead.


Uncertainty, new beginnings


The story
In times of ambiguity, new beginnings- such as a new season of life (SCHOOL), I tend to adopt a hesitant attitude towards things and people. Often I find myself being overly cautious, testing waters time and time again-a little like how the ripple effect never really stops, it just spreads.

Therefore I’ve chosen the ripple, caused by a literal testing of waters to represent this emotion. Funny how this piece looks surprisingly calm and peaceful, as if a picture of serenity when in reality, being ambiguous brings me no peace at all.


Biting fingernails

The story
I was a very shy child, so incredibly shy was I that my teachers were irritated by my lack of participatory spirit in class. I’d get very anxious when I was called out in class, and thus developed a terrible habit of biting my nails.

Initially I had used the jagged moon-shape of badly bitten fingernails to depict ‘Anxious’ but after discussing with Shirley, I thought it better to translate it into a fluid line, slowly descending as my anxiety issues decreased overtime. Also, the previous idea looked like a wrapping paper print..

My very first idea was to draw a whole row of hands in the posture of prayer, for that is what I do when I am anxious. Instead of expressing anxiety, it looked like a peaceful line so that idea got scrapped!




The story
Awkward & Embarrassment are two emotions that are very closely linked, usually when I am in an awkward situation, I would very like embarrass myself-not a pretty sight.

I wanted to capture the essence of awkwardness of a stutterer, and thought best to so as music beats. To ensure that my square mind would not create overly regular lines, I listened to videos of stutterers speaking and increased the number of strokes when they stuttered.


Tim Burton, Edward Gorey, Pan’s Labyrinth


I love the illustrations of Tim Burton & Edward Gorey, they are to me bizarre and strangely intriguing. The word ‘Bizarre’ also reminded me of the film Pan’s Labyrinth which I caught on the plane, it was a little grotesque but I loved it. The most captivating character was the pale man, with his detachable eyeballs. I decided to use various eyeballs as motifs, tilting them at an angle that they may also resemble bugs- slightly bizarre but curiously captivating.



The story
I am easily distracted, especially while getting work done on the net…just as I am typing this, there are 9 open taps, oh dear.


Definition/association: Squatting

The story
Thinking back on my most embarrassing moment- it was when I had to do a public presentation in front of the school and had a blackout. Completely forgetting my lines and terribly embarrassed, I proceeded to squat down on stage, succeeding in embarrassing myself further as the crowd erupted in laughter. SO, I’ve decided to capture the motion of squatting to represent embarrassment


Heavy sighs

Screen Shot 2015-09-14 at 1.39.26 am

The story
The most exhausting periods of my life were those moments struggling through Chinese exams. This language though beautiful had been the bane of most of my time in school. I picked the chinese phrase 唉聲嘆氣 as I did do that quite a bit, and still do in times of exhaustion. To create this piece, I deconstructed the word ‘嘆’ to its very basic elements, and deliberately made the front portion to be tighter than the back to simulate the release of a sigh.

Initially I had all the characters sprinkled about, but Shirley advised me to make the words unrecognizable, that it mayn’t be too “in your face”. I do like this improved version much more!


shattering of fragile items

The story
I wanted to create something that sounded like the sound of shattering glass *piang* Initially I chose to use harsh strokes, but realized the faint lines produced by dry brushing did a better job in bringing across the fragility of the sound.


Going nowhere

The story
I used arrows as they represent a direction, indecisiveness has no direction at all, it just goes… nowhere.


“(of literature, art, or music) expressing the writer’s emotions in an imaginative and beautiful way.”

Blooming flowers

The story
I watched a hyperlapse video of flowers blooming endlessly, and tried to capture that motion in swooping swirls.


“having no meaning; making no sense”

The story


Uncontrollable person, actions, thoughts

The story
Being the unadventurous person I am, I could not allow my brush to go crazy and uncontrolled, I required a certain order to make sense of things. The lines are angry, pointed and well controlled within a white border. Shirley reminded me that Psychoticism did not necessarily mean going off the deep end, sometimes it could just be unrestraint motion within a fence.


“of or arousing gratification of the senses and physical, especially sexual, pleasure.”
eg: “the production of the ballet is sensual and passionate”

The story
I was curious how something like a production or a music piece could be described as sensual, I’ve only seen it applied to people or objects (like lace!). After reading up on a couple of definitions & examples, I figured at the very root of it “sensual” must be something that is sensory. Perhaps a sensual piece of music could be the feeling of the melody touching your ears? Therefore I dipped my fingers in paint and rubbed over paper, almost similar to the action of caressing.

Initially I wanted to draw to use lace as the main motif, but I realized that the result turned out too literal an interpretation.


“a person who is habitually untidy or careless.”

Unkempt facial hair
Unruly vines

The story


Unplanned fun

The story
I love how unpredictable the kaleidoscope is, the mishmash of shapes & colors are so beautiful-and that’s how spontaneity is to me. I used various shapes and patterns to create something fun, bolding random pieces to create accents.


In proper order


The story

I remember when I was still studying in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, we had to take a dreadful exam on coding. Being the tech idiot that I am, the only thing I gleaned from the entire module was that it is made up of many 1s and 0s. That just with these two numbers and careful arrangement, some spectacular results can be achieved.


Stormy seas

The story
When things get tough, I like to imagine myself as a sailor navigating through choppy waves. Somehow picturing it like this helps me to remember that there will always be a way out once the storm stills. The style of this is a cartoon like illustration of “friendly” looking waves to mimic how I feel about turbulent times, the tiny boat overwhelmed by the waves is a representation of me. As the phrase says “this too shall pass” as with everything, so do the turbulent times.

*Tada* final work

Mirror 001Mirror

Mirror 002
Mirror 003