Exercise 2: Irrational Objects

Conceptualization of object with verbs & templates

First Exercise

Thinking out of the box with the questions given in class:

Questions about the object given

After this exercise, it gives me a new outlook on how to explore and view my object (measuring tape). There’s more for exploration when I stopped thinking about the literal functions and purpose of the object in a logical way.

Second Exercise

Coming up with 10 sketches of concepts with verbs using our object given:

(Blooming, Fleeing, Flirting, Pleading, Camouflaging, Healing, Screwing, Eavesdropping, Expanding, Mumbling)

We had to do automatic drawing when we were given the verbs, unexpected and unpredictable ideas are created and this encourages spontaneity of image-making which can be further used for development. It helped me out for certain concepts I had beforehand and I’m considering to use some of the random concepts I came up with for my “Component 2 – Connotation”.

Third Exercise

  • Identifying the component parts and features of the object
  • Apply the transformation as suggested by each template
  1. The REMOVAL template (removing one component of the object)
  2. The REPLACEMENT template (replace one component with a different component or replace to a resource from the immediate environment)
  3. The REDEFINITION template (redefine the environment/contextualise the object’s function through a new environment)


This in-class exercise really helped me out by broadening my perspective by looking at different aspects of the object/topic given. In addition, how to let loose and not be too rigid when I’m coming up with the conceptualization and ideation. Hence, I can think of something unique and impactful and select an idea/concept that is not overused for component 2 and 3.

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