Walking Home


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Title: Treasured Sanctuary

Medium: Photographs

Work description: We were given the task to deliver 8 images of what Home means to us. I was walking around my house and I asked myself what is familiar to me here. What is something I interact with everyday? I felt that a good representation to feature my home would be to shoot the way of life in my house. My parents are Buddhists and my mother in particular is pretty religious. Once a month, she would volunteer at the temple. Praying to God with joss sticks, seeing images of Buddha, hearing the Buddhist’s chants and smelling the incense is a common thing in my house. It is a practice that has been going on for as far as I can remember. I placed the picture of the windows first because before we pray to the deity in our house, we have to pray to the Gods above. I would like to think of myself as agnostic. To put simply, an agnostic is someone who neither believes nor disbelieves in God. However, I do respect my parents’ beliefs and offers my prayer to the Gods that they believe. I believe that every household is made up of its own beliefs and values and Buddhism is one of them (a rather prominent one) in my home. Hence, I chose to shoot the religion as a concept for my home.