Once again, as always.

A start of a new semester, and of course, the start of a new project! Given this project brief, I found the project interesting as we are going to put our name into context of something. Having the freedom to explore ‘anything’, I was able to allow myself to go into different directions so as to come up with interesting ideas.

First off, research is the most important part of this project. With no research, there wouldn’t be inspirations or any ideas on what I wanted to do. And so, I started my research.

What is typography?

Typography is the design and use of typefaces as a means of communication. It is considered to have begun with Gutenberg and the development of movable type. But typography has its roots in handwritten letter forms. Typography encompasses everything from calligraphy through digital type and type on Web pages. It also includes type designers who create new letter forms as well as designers and calligraphers who use the letters as part of their designs.

– Typography uses typefaces and the white space around and through them to create a whole design.

I also researched about the anatomy of a font type, as I have always been very interested in the study of a font type. There are actually different parts in a single font, as well as the spacings between the fonts, they have terms for it too! So this is an infographic on the different parts of the font.


After looking up on typography design, I came across some images which would be some of my inspirations for the project. I wanted my work to be more of minimal, straight to the point, playing with negative/ positive spaces and of course, a piece of work that is visually pleasing.


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After looking up the web for inspirations, I began exploring on what I could be. I gave myself room to be open to anything, so I can arrive at different interesting ideas. Eliminating and filtering out, there were several ideas that I thought could be quite interesting to go into further development. And so, sketches and ideas started to generate in the sketch book, which brings you to the Process post

Till then!