Prototype II, Flowchart, Logistics & To-Do List

Elizabeth and I tried making a better prototype based on the comments of the first body-storming session.


It’s an accessory on the forearm now. Glove? Watch? Eitherway, it needs space to store all the components.

In particular, we tackled the issues of:

  1. It seems to made to be extremely annoying
    • We determined that sound output was unnecessary and thus removed it, leaving the only possibly annoying thing as a set of flashing lights
  2. The message of “interstices between sound as singular versus as a whole” did not come across clearly as it was too abstract
    • We concluded that as long as the participants have some sense of “all the sounds I’m hearing are represented together through these lights I’m seeing”, the message has been adequately received
  3. The hat form is effective for engaging others, but not much the participant (who can’t see the output)
    • We changed the positioning to the forearm, such that both the participant and others are able to engage with the accessory effectively
  4. The accessory is difficult to approach, and appears to be an individual-based experience
    • We altered the form from one magnificent accessory to multiple petite accessories, such that it looks more approachable and can be worn together than alone

Instead of code which analyses the sound and activates the lights accordingly, this prototype uses my brain.


Note that Environmental Input, i.e. Type-B and Type-C, is a variable which can take on any value from no sound to extreme sound. Input Type-A, on the other hand, is differentiated here as either “existing” or “not”.

A flowchart is rather awkward for our project as our accessory creates outputs with or without your input (i.e. with environmental input), and your input can be involuntary (i.e. inevitable sound creation). Thus, we’ve created a flowchart with what is an intended sequence of actions, though the SPEAK action is always available, and INPUT TYPE B/C is always present.


We will likely aim to make as many as the amount of microcontroller boards we can procure (currently, 2 owned personally, 2 loaned from school).

Items required:

  1. Power: Battery*, Holder/Adapter
  2. Input: Microphone
  3. Process: Arduino Uno**
  4. Output: LED chips
  5. Circuit: Conductive thread***
  6. Form: Cloth, thread, whatever else is needed
  7. Others: Extra batteries


  1. Clarifications:
    • * How much voltage is required (what kind of battery)
    • ** Possibility of Circuit Playground
    • *** How to work with thread, i.e. resistors, safety (insulation), where to find
  2. Logistics: Procure microphone, LED chips, etc
  3. Code: Ascertain the output, whether it be reflected in brightness level, colour hue, or lit/unlit, and write the code to receive input, analyse it, and form outputs accordingly