Nurturing Nature

I decided to abandoned one of my previously discussed direction of: “Destruction from the point of view of a computer algorithm is data-moshing.” as I was running out of time to complete the series. I realized that I had quite a bit of experimentation and testing that had not been done to create a work that I would be satisfied with. As such, I decided to explore the direction of Random Generation a bit more. I did some research and came across the concept of Pelin Noise

Perlin Noise is a powerful algorithm used in procedural content generation. The formula aids in the creation of pseudo-random textures that have visual details of the same size. This allows for realistic looking patterns and textures that are often used in games and computer generated visual elements in cinema. It is also frequently used to generate textures when memory is extremely limited, such as in graphics processing units for real-time rendering in computer games.

Given the change in direction, I came up with a new concept statement: “Nature from the point of view of a Computer Algorithm is Perlin Noise.

The Perlin Noise algorithm and its formula was adapted for use in Processing. Instead of creating patterns, the noise output was used to alter the direction of paths that were being generated. These paths were generated over and over again to create a series of branches that were overlaid.

Each time, the path deviated slightly from its original course due to the algorithm. This resulted in the creation of dendritic lines that varied in thickness across the image.


The Perlin Noise algorithm is used here to simulate wind erosion patterns similar to those found naturally in Utah’s sandstone canyons.

Here is the final result:


Author: Kapi

Kapilan Naidu is a multimedia artist, designer, data-junkie, sometimes DJ and bedroom producer.

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