Astral Fantasy

Astral Fantasy depicts a realm of fantasy of a girl named Ethera, who manifests herself as a mythical mermaid, or Siren, known as Serena. The banner pays tribute to the out-of-body experience known as astral projection experienced by Ethera, and through the imagery we are able to better visualise the inner fantasy world that Serena explores that includes elements of air and sea creatures. The idea of astral projection derives from a mystery tradition of esotericism and I added my own little twist of fantasy by incorporating elements of dreams and fairytales and folklore to really bring out the mythical mood of the universe that Ethera travels to.

Medium: Procreate | Watercolour and gouache brush


F I N A L   B A N N E R


M E D I A   W A L L

P A T T E R N    S W A T C H E S

A P P L I C A T I O N  


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