Project 4. The “Breathing” Self-Portrait

1)Artist Statement/Concept

First person perspective to third person perspective
Cut into close up to show details while zooming out to show the whole world

In order to give a more immersive feel to the audience. by making the world more lively and moving. Bringing them into whole new space and giving them an invincible taste of how the weather, temperature and sound might be in this environment.

I wanted the work to be subtle however moving at the same time in order not to make it seem too overwhelming till its distracting. Thus I did not animate the characters and I took away the brightly lit dragons, replacing them with black instead. So that the animation of the environment can be the focus.

2)Technical Decisions and issues

Some technical decisions I made during the edit was deciding how to move each layer. Such as the camera movement, the character position and the midgrounds slight movement.

During the process, I learnt a new method of importing photoshops timeline into after effect. By converting the saved individual png frame and putting them into a file. Afterwards converting the file into an image sequence by dragging it into AE and looping the sequence to 200.  This gave me the effect I wanted, an example in the video was the waterfall and the water ripples.

Some issues I had were the rendering time for this piece.

4) Before and After:



5) Artist Reference:

Witcher 3 – Introduction ( Camera movement reference )

Trying to understand and get inspired by camera movement composition, I decided to use this video as an example of how to capture the moment in a more dynamic way.

Photoshop 3d – Artist WLOP ( Layer study )

This artist also showed something similar however instead of telling a story. They only used slight movement to enhance the depth of the composition. Making it more immersive.

Garden of Words ( Movement reference )

Lastly, I decided to refer to something more similar to my concept which is an environment. Like the movement of water or the slight movement of something in the background.



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