Revelations and portable projectors

Of course the space has to be manipulated, it can’t be represented objectively. Something has to be done to it.

I thought of how I could bring the memory into the space and it kind of made sense to project images into these spaces. At the point of this thought, I wanted to make the whole thing a personal experience, so my first thought was that I had to visit spaces in Singapore, aka places with no access to power plugs and such.

Luckily the internet had tutorials on how to make iPhone projectors –

Unluckily, by the laws of physics, the images produced from this were way too faint to be workable. But here they are anyway.

Processed with VSCO with m3 preset

Processed with VSCO with m3 preset

Processed with VSCO with m3 preset
I’d say this is 5 times brighter than what the naked eye sees.
Processed with VSCO with m3 preset
And it gets worse with coloured images.
Processed with VSCO with m3 preset
Cool pix with ambience light but unusable but nice so put on OSS.
Processed with VSCO with m3 preset
Cool unusable pix but nice so put on OSS.
Processed with VSCO with m3 preset
Haha bacteria. Contaminated spaces.

So obviously the portable projector business wasn’t working out as well as I needed it to. The next solution is to borrow a proper projector.

Due to logistical limitations, using a proper projector now requires proper power points. So that kind of limits me to locations with access to power. Perhaps it is easier to create a symbolic universal representation of contaminated spaces, rather than a personal documentation of contaminated spaces.


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