Presence (2015)


Presence (2015)

The final outcome of our work keeps to our initial concept of questioning what defines a person’s presence within a space. Our work presents a space where perception is altered. Instead of using our eyes as visual cues to perceive a space and the people within in, our work uses auditory cues and a central projection seen by all participants.

We set up our installation at the 2nd floor corridor of ADM. The camera input was a skewed aerial view approximately 3 metres above ground level. The projection was on upper portion of the wall.

An interaction between 2 people can be perceived through a change in pitch of sounds. The projection visuals are displayed randomly when people walk around but concentrates at a point when a body is stationary.

Our work integrates the elements of shock and surprise due to the sudden pitch shifts which correspond to the changing distance between people.

However, when a person is alone in the space, their presence will not be felt (i.e. no sounds will be heard), returning to our initial questions: Are we only present if someone knows we’re here? Are we defined by our interactions with other bodies?


Some sounds in the installation.

By: Clara Chong Qiao Lin, Lau Sin Yee, Sng Yi Xian, Zhong Sailin

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