Update on Tang Shipwreck presentation

My team and I have reviewed our presentation structure and came up with a new and improved version!

Firstly, we will start by introducing what the Tang shipwreck is (background), then concentrate our presentation on 2-3 particular ceramic pieces that we feel are vital to learn about from the shipwreck.

The information we will include about the ceramic pieces are as follows:

  • Design
  • How the design was influenced from trade routes (interaction with other cultures)

Hopefully this presentation will be more concise and detailed with this updated structure!

– pin

Author: pin


One thought on “Update on Tang Shipwreck presentation”

  1. Good! So, what does design refer to? Shape? Color? Pattern? What is the main idea that holds the presentation together? What is the connection/transition from the first section to the second section?

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