Interactive 2: Final Presentation Documentation


Bao Song Yu & Zhou Yang

This is the video documentation for our final project presentation. We were glad that it invoked responses from the people that were watching the interaction happening between the installation and its participant. Many people were taking videos and photos of the participant’s actions. This was the ideal scenario we wanted to achieve. The interaction between the installation and the participant and another form of interaction between the bystanders and the participants.

Interactive 2: Documentation and Progress VII


Bao Song Yu & Zhou Yang

We tried testing our interactive installation at the concrete wall. Initially we used light sticks as the light source. We took screenshot of the colors of the light stick and got their values on Photoshop. We input the values into Max so it can detect the colors. However, once we were in the open area, the camera cannot detect the light stick. It was because the light source from the open affected the readings. In the end, we used colored paper instead. 

It was fun testing out the installation ourselves. Through the testing we determined the optimum distance the person had to stand from the camera in order for patch to work. We also tested out different combinations of sound to understand how it will affects the user trying out the installation. We just hope it will not rain on the day of the final presentation. 

Interactive 2: Documentation and Progress VI


Bao Song Yu & Zhou Yang

The following are the screenshots for the patch we did for our interactive installation. 

The following is the video documentation of us trying out the Max patch. We used light sticks and several colored materials to test out the patch. 

The main issue for our patch is the webcam not detecting the colors at times. Therefore, it was quite frustrating as we were not sure at times if it was the fault of the patch or the fault of the camera. To put an end to our problem, we borrowed an external webcam that is more reliable, so the detection rate of the colors is more consistent. 

Max Assignment 5: Lozano-Hemmer’s Shadow Boxes + cv.jit.centroids Documentation

For the Lozano-Hemmer’s Shadow Boxes patch, I played around with the values to create different effects for the visual output. I combined a cv.jit.centroids patch with it to add sound effect to the overall patch. The following is the documentation for the combined patch. Enjoy! 😀

The cv.jit.centroids patch can be found here:

Max Assignment 4: Face Tracker Video Documentation (With Video Velocity)

For the face tracking patch, I learnt how to map the face of Will Smith on top of my face for visual output. I added the video velocity effect with cv.jit.HSflow to see how it will work out with the face tracking patch. It managed to create some beautiful  and interactive effects. The following is the documentation for the combined patch. Enjoy! 😀

The patch for the effect can be found here:

Max Assignment 3: Photo Booth Documentation

For the photo booth tutorial, I learned how to generate sounds of command to position my face for the webcam to take a screenshot. It was a complicated patch, and I had a hard time getting it to work. After getting the patch to work, I substituted the sounds with other sounds to create funny effects. I had fun making the patch and get it to work. The following is my documentations of my patch. Enjoy! 😀

Interactive 2: Documentation and Progress IV

As our project required the use of color mediums and body movements to trigger audio outputs as a form of interaction for our planned interactive installation, we tested out some patches to look for various possibilities. 

Triggering of audio outputs by recognizing the position of the held object (Yellow object) on the screen. Different audio output is created when the object is at different position. 

We will be creating and exploring different audios suitable for our interactive installation since we solved the issue of triggering audio output. 

We feel that the audios we assembled should provide relevant information for the users to figure out the context of the space by themselves instead of informing them in the first place. We hope that this form of information output will invoke interest from the users and causes them to explore the space around them.

Interactive 2: Documentation and Progress III

After much discussion and refinement, we have decided to create a cave experience through the use of audio in a dark room setting. A confined dark room is a perfect metaphor for a cave. Each participant will be given light sticks to placed on both his/her ankles. These light sources served as trackers for the cameras put in the room to trigger cave related sounds through the notion of walking around the space. We feel that it will be interesting to explore the interaction of people with a place when the element of sight is cut off from them. We are planning to have additional cameras set up to allow the people outside the installation space to view the interaction happening inside the space. This is to allow participation from the people outside the installation space. 

Referencing sounds:

Narratives for Interaction: Documentation and Progress VII


Goh Cher See | Nicholas Makoto | Zhou Yang

Project Occupation Game Art

Opening scene


Main game page

In game scene

Main game play scene

Narratives for Interaction Sharing: Wolf Among Us

The Wolf Among Us is a fascinating narrative game developed by Telltale Games. It is the same game developer that produced The Walking Dead. It brings the players through various adventure and thrilling experience with the main character, Bigby Wolf.

I love the art style produced by Telltale Games. There is no fancy graphic or computer animation, just pure story book graphic style presentation. It creates a mysterious feel for the game and makes the players feel they are going through a story. It blends perfectly with the story that is going to unfold before the eyes of the players.

A huge bulk of the game involves interacting with in-game characters through Bigby Wolf. The things that Wolf said to them is going to affect how they react to him in the future. The decisions Wolf does will also influence the outcome of individual events. I feel that this is one of those games that you will spend hours trying out the different options for the interaction portion to discover different outcomes. The engagement aspect of the game is immersed. The players will feel that they are part of the game, part of the story. They have a personal connection with the in-game characters and feels that the choices they made matter.