Unpredictability – Research

I consulted Peter and he advised me to try and try to brainstorm more because he said that Tarot cards are already known to be unpredictable. So back to the brainstorming.

However, this time I decided to ask my friends and classmates what does Unpredictability mean to them. Because my main concern was that Unpredictability was subjective which it is and so I needed a new perspective from other people to at least narrow down my options.

The words with > beside them are the definitions from friends, classmates and myself.

I came across Deep Sea Sand Art on Pinterest and I was intrigued by it because it was mesmerising and yet unpredictable because there is no knowledge of what design will  be form. From that, I decided I wanted to make something mesmerising but it tricks the audience into believing their original notion of that idea and not think further into it. 

Thus, I decided to make a piñata. But with a TWIST. Every child or most children would have interacted with one at birthday parties, they are introduced and brought up with the idea that piñatas are filled with sweets, confetti and happy things.

So playing with this idea of their preconceived notion of what a piñata is, I’ve decided to include fake insects and glitter inside the piñata.

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