LINES – The First Assignment Process

Basically this is the first assignment for Foundation 2D. When I first heard about representing the various words using lines, I was rather taken aback and have no idea how to do it at all. Slowly as time passed and looking at various examples, it slowly got slightly more comprehensible and made a bit of sense to me.


The first thing that came to my mind, was to find out what exactly each word means in general, and what it actually means to be, be it the same or not. So first of all, I went online to look for the definition and some synonyms of the given words to better understand them, and compiling them all into one document.

Compiling relevant definitions
Compiling relevant definitions

After which, I started doodling whatever came to mind into my sketchbook lightly, in order of whatever came to mind first.

Doodling whatever comes to mind
Doodling whatever comes to mind

This was followed by the more formal first draft onto strips printed on a A3 paper given to us. Took quite a while to have everything done onto it, but felt that it was way better than the first doodling, although there was still a lot of room for improvement, especially after consulting Shirley about it.

First draft on A3 printed strips
First draft on A3 printed strips

Here is how my presented 3 initially looked like, where “Exhausted” and “Bizarre” looks different, while I kept the idea for “Fragile”.

First version of my presented three strips.
First version of my presented three strips.

“Bizarre” shows a lot of splatters and a few hand prints, which symbolized blood to me which depicted the “grotesque” nature.

“Exhausted” shows human figures hanging lifelessly from ropes, depicting how society and survival requires us to do things that we might not want to, causing us to be worn out and tired.

“Fragile” would be done with torn up paper with burnt edges and showing crack lines drawn, showing all natures of fragility that comes to me.

After which, I made changes and adjustments to the first draft and came up with the second draft for Shirley to vet through, before completing my final project. Various strips that I felt was not bad or actually good for me were kept but repeated to make sure I got them right. Shirley advised how various strips could be switched around, which I agreed and took into consideration, and also suggestions for improvement.

Second draft on A3 printed strips.
Second draft on A3 printed strips.
Second version of the presented three strips.
Second version of the presented three strips.

“Bizarre” now shows more hand prints and less splatters, which I felt was better at bringing out the grotesque feature. Nonetheless, Shirley advised me that the first draft of this was better as it is slightly more messy and makes everything have a bizarre “feel”.

“Exhausted” was not represented by a horizontal rope which snaps in the middle of the strip which was an improvement suggested by Shirley after seeing my human figures hanging around. She also reminded me that if I could replicate this using another medium, I had to make sure it is prominent enough, preferably covering at least a third of the space given.

Finally, it is the final draft to be submitted for critique. Most of my strips were done using marker and pen, simply drawing what I want to convey in the most simplistic monochrome way. This is with the exception of “Bizarre” and “Spontaneous” which included the use of Chinese ink, “Exhausted” which uses cotton twines and “Fragile” which includes burning my paper.

The final product!
The final product!

“Bizarre” was first done by drawing random hand prints of different sizes and orientations across the strip, followed by drawing the larger splatters to give it a more dramatic effect, then lastly completed by sprinkling Chinese ink across the entire strip using a hard bristle brush. It gives an overall effect of a crime scene, bloody and mysterious feel which goes in line with its grotesque characteristics.

Touching up the hand prints with a marker
Touching up the hand prints with a marker

“Exhausted” was done by using cotton twines. As cotton twines were not thick enough to be prominent, I took three cotton twines and braided them, then stick the two ends onto a strip of black paper to make it stand out. after which, I cut the middle section and untwined the individual cotton strands, before sticking everything down onto the paper. This is to represent reaching a limit, a breaking point, which I feel is what exhausted really means.

Cutting my "breaking point"
Cutting my “breaking point”
Securing the twine with UHU glue!
Securing the twine with UHU glue!

“Fragile” was done by first drawing crack lines across a piece of paper, then tearing it up into small pieces, then burning the edges to give a brownish edge and an outline when the pieces are stuck on top of one another. It gives me the impression of fragility as it shows like it is easily breakable or brittle using the crack lines and torn pieces, and how it is burnt gives a vintage and fragile feel like it will be destroyed at any time if not careful.

Burning with a windproof lighter makes it easier to control the flame burning only the edges.
Burning with a windproof lighter makes it easier to control the flame burning only the edges.

Last but not least, the assignment was eventually completed, and ended off with a presentation to the class, showing the concept of doing the various strips and sharing the methods of doing it.

The assignment ended with a presentation to the class
The assignment ended with a presentation to the class


Author: Wilson Heng

Eat. Sleep. Draw.

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