2D2 | ZINE Progression (in print)

Here I present to you the printed drafts I had for my final project. Each draft contains a different edit and a build up to what I’ve achieved today.

Draft 4, 5 and 6 helped me choose the paper that I want after seeing them in print. I finally choose to have my final print in Monet, 115gsm as I felt that I didn’t want the paper quality to be too thin even though it’s a personal zine because I want the structure as it is a poetry zine. The thicker paper also suited the colours from the contrasting toned images of my zine. The other people didn’t feel as solid and neither did it really bring out my vision.

Also, I didn’t bind it together as I wanted a raw authentic feel as the pages are flipped. I didn’t want the rigid feel of the papers sticking together.

Thus, this concludes my progression over the past few weeks while working on this zine.

Hope you enjoyed it.

2D2 | Final Zine

ANNDDDD THIS IS THE LAST! There were some slight adjustments and this is the final piece that was submitted. Initially I wanted to omit the stapler binding and leave it as it is but bind it with a string, but just to follow and be aligned with the brief, I decided to stapler it on top of the string binding.

This process was a fun and pretty relaxing one. From visiting the site to changing my layouts of the zine. The printing process was an eye opener to really see the zine come to life and to see how layouts and designs work. I learnt to stick to my gut and really follow the design instincts in me, play with colour and make sure things are consistent. I felt that my eye for things were slightly more trained with this project and I look forward to more projects as such.

2D | Zine Process (ll)


Here’s another update, I played around with the paint strokes that I created hoping to add a little spice, design element and spontaneity into it.

However, as it was going for a simple, classy poetry book, Mimi suggested that I don’t distract the viewers from the images and text with the paint strokes.

Also, working with the colour tones of the photos was fun in trying to create a balanced overall look to the zine.

I’ll be working on the next design in the meantime.

2D | Zine process

As some things didn’t work out for my initial first draft print, I made several changes.

First, I converted the paint strokes digitally and made a range of colours to see how it fits.

I scanned these strokes in so I could play with the opacity and see which colour range will complement the images.

Also, as some images didn’t work out, I play around with formatting to see which would fit better.

For this spread, I wanted to play with portrait images, however, when I tried to play with the landscape images in the second image below, I felt that it conveyed and helped bring out the idea further with the landscape images. Thus I would prefer the landscape images.

My center spread was initially a full image, However, I wanted to play with more images and dimensions in my zine, so I tried another layout, as seen in the first image below. I’m still trying to work out where the text will go for the first page in the spread.

For my cover page, I wanted to play with different formats. I tried to align my title in the center of the page but I felt it was a bit plain, so I decided to add a minimal design to it. Thus I feel that aligning the title  to the left would be visually better.

As compared to my previous picture for the end of the zine, the colours didn’t match the images and there was a lack of consistency, thus I changed it with a image that spoke to me a lot about the environment and surroundings to end it off. I thought of adding a small excerpt to give a final explanation about the message behind the zine.

I have yet to explore further with the paints and colours that I can play with. I would be doing that soon!

2D | Zine Process – First Draft

This was my first draft. I printed it out as I wanted to try adding paint texture to it enhance different parts and bring out the spontaneity of the essence behind my piece.


After some feedback with my tutor, some changes and considerations are the size of photos, the layouts, how I can play with more photos, the colour consistency of the zine, an obvious change of the closing page of the zine and play around to see how the paint works in different opacities and colours.

2D | Project 2: Zine – Research, photos and Part 1 presentation

Yes! I went to explore Queenstown (more towards Wessex and Commonwealth). Here is my journey that has helped to form my ideas.

I was very fascinated by the colours and contrast of the area and I wanted to document and explore that aspect.

But it’s time to go down and explore more, observe more and document more. Meanwhile, enjoy these images!

(p.s this poem is incomplete, but it’s in initial idea of how I want to link my photos to my Zine. Do wait for the complete one)