Foundation 2D Project 2 – Point Of View – Progress Pt1

Recess Week – 3rd March 2016


Thank you for reading my second post for this week. ?
I categorized and differentiate my research and progress into 2 respective posts.
Hence, do visit my ‘Research-Pt2’ in the link below before reading this post.

Thank you!

Foundation 2D Project 2 – Point of View – Research pt2

Part 6: Exploration

Initially, I wanted to make use of my fingerprint to create the compositions.
In the above fingerprint painting, I made use of my thumb and index finger to create the body of the animal.
After that, details were drawn on to the fingerprint.
I find this method interesting but however, I couldn’t link it to my selected 6 concepts as I wanted it to be more relatable. ?

Part 7: Approach

My approach to this project would be by digital means.
I’m trying out various platforms to compose the 6 compositions digitally, such as Photoshop and Illustrator.

During the consultation, I’ve shown Miss Joy some of my sketches.
The thoughts of introducing Surrealism into my composition made it possible for these theme.
I’m thinking of ways to combine my fingers with the suggested tools/equipment so as to fulfill the requirement.

Here are some sketches that was presented during the consultation;

1) Finger from the point of view of Me is a Swiss army knife.
– In this sketch, I combine the drawing of my fingers with the shell of a Swiss Army Knife. The general idea is to portray the ‘usefulness’ of our fingers by comparing it with the Blades of the Swiss Army Knife. 
The Swiss Army Knife is drawn according to the one I received in NS (National Service), it have so much sentimental values! – It have so many uses; tightening the Muzzle of the SAR21 before a live-firing exercise, sewing badges on my No.4 and things like that.
Besides that, we uses our fingers everyday in any situation. It’s a ‘handy’ tool! ?

2) Finger from the point of view of Ant is a Missile.
– Still working on this. foot-in-mouth


Keyboard is Endurance
3) Finger from the point of view of A Computer Keyboard is Endurance.
– Trying out this composition with Photoshop by combining images online and digital drawing (With pen tool).

Part 8: 3 more to go!

Good stuffs takes time, I have 4 more composition to think about!
“Lost time is never found again!”  ?
Got to do it faster!!! >.<

1) Finger from the point of view of A Massage Chair is a Manual Osim.
2) Finger from the point of view of NTU Student is Winning the Star Wars.
3) Finger from the point of view of KFC is Licking Good.

The End

Thank you for reading! ?

2 Replies to “Foundation 2D Project 2 – Point Of View – Progress Pt1”

  1. I’m loving your ideas, Eugene! Your POVs are extremely creative, especially the Swiss Army knife. I really admire how much time and effort you put in your progress and it really motivates me to work harder- so thanks for that. Keep up the great work!

  2. Great effort with the updates!
    You might want to try different ways of using photoshop to do this…for example if you’re doing the computer keyboard style you might want to check out @NU1T in instagram. The way he add illustrated objects with somewhat realistic shadows.

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