[W7IfD] making pencil comps for a digital generation is, uh,

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As per the last post, I decided to work with generative illustrations. Where the theme is something like “the Fantasy of actualising impossibilities through technology”. And, of course, I don’t have pencil compositions, or even drafts of what I want. Here are the two main reasons why:


As summarised by Spittel, there are two approaches to generative art: a) have no results, and let the computer generate as you play around, and b) have a very finalised idea, only allowing little randomisation.

I wanted to go for a mix of the two: keeping a vague idea of what I want the overall form to be like, while allowing the computer freedom to generate the exacts of what it turns out to be.

Automatic line makings, to get a gist for the overall form. As can be seen, it will likely involve many arcs, curves and loops, and a tall form which isn’t symmetrical.

But, intention probably won’t match up to action, because


I can draw decently well, but coding full-fledged physics is……. While I wanted to aim for something like Shvembldr and/or Nick Taylor‘s emergent, organic forms, I’m not sure that it’s possible at my current level. The most I can do is probably to work with basic elements, like lines and circles, and randomise their colours, positions, and sizes.

As such, it seems unlikely that I can find a way to code the piece to be particularly close to whatever I would envision. Still, I’ll outlaw patterned works like cccbtt, where I think it’s too structured: the point is to show off how amazing technology is, which is more evident when more complex functions like sin() is involved.


After looking into different scripting languages, I decided to go with P5.js.

Their tagline aptly summarises why: it has “the power of Processing times the reach of JavaScript”. In other words, it can achieve more than web-based Javascript alone, while being more accessible to creators and audiences, since it’s for web.


As I’ve said, I don’t have pencil sketches, because it depends on how fast I learn. Instead, I just experimented wildly with codes that I learned, using random() and noise() on parameters like the x-y coordinates, or scale().

Here are some things I learned (or refreshed, it’s been a while since I’ve touched Java/Script) during the spring break:

From there, I picked out elements I liked, and tried combining them, or messing around even more. Half of this were not intentional, just that I didn’t really do object-oriented programming, so, uh.

I guess my first “pencil composition” would thus be something like this:


My second pencil composition tried to be more aware of the working style for generative pieces. Interestingly, there’s a sense in which coding is a “collage”, because you rarely write code from scratch: it’s usually about modifying other people’s codes to suit your needs.

As such, you’ll see that most of the practices here are based off codes that I grabbed elsewhere, like by The Coding Train:


Published by

EC Chee

a local peanut (◡‿◡ )

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