Week 2: Transfer Printing


Heat transfer printing is a popular method to transfer designs from paper to fabric. The rise in polyester fabrics gave rise to this new form of printing. I myself find it absolutely amazing how our hand-drawn / hand-painted designs on normal paper can be transferred so beautifully on fabric.


  1. Dye (dry or wet) – Crayola fabric crayons or transprint ink


  1. Paper
  2. Fabric (Polyester is good)



  1. Draw or paint your design using heat transferrable crayons or special inks on paper.


2. Place the design on top of your fabric with the design side touching the fabric, and heat it with an iron.

3. Enjoy your results!




There are many ways in which transfer printing could be used, most notably in fashion. I think it would be cool to see big designs printed on a scarf!



I think that transfer printing is a versatile method. You can have digitally printed designs, and at the same time you can also directly use the inks and create organic designs by hand. The materials needed are relatively simple, and you don’t need fancy equipments to carry out the transferring, you just need a good old iron.

I had fun looking at how the colours showed up on fabric, since they were way darker on paper. Sometimes it makes it hard to see the design, especially when we mix the colours, but I guess part of the beauty is in its unpredictability.


100 Words – FYP

“ H o m e   i s   w h e r e   t h e   h e a r t   i s ”

This expression dispels the idea that a home is bound to a specific place or geographical location. To me, it is a reminder that grounds me when I start to live as if the earth is mine alone. I have always sought to find my place in the world, and my experiences play a huge part in this search for my identity. How can we find home if we can’t find ourselves? In my FYP, I seek to explore the meaning of home, and maybe along the way, I will find myself too.


MUJI x Strength x Electrical Plug Campaign

MUJI CAMPAIGN – Idea of recharging x strength

by Lim Ling Ern and Clarita Saslim


MUJI’s core principles and founding philosophy is based on traditional Japanese values of simplicity and self-restraint, revolting against the influx of the branded imported goods that flooded 1980s Japan.

MUJI isn’t flashy in its green efforts. Unlike brands that show-off their green activism and are surface-level, MUJI focuses on actually making sure its operations are good for the environment, living up to the company’s integrity.

For years now, MUJI has launched programs that subtly remind its consumers about their impact on the environment. This ignites an introspective response.

For example, they sold canned salmon made from the less desirable parts of the fish and U-shaped spaghetti, a by-product of producing straight cut spaghetti.

The ReMUJI program also encourages consumers to think about the waste they are producing. There is a Japanese saying, “Mottai-nai“, which reminds us to not let anything go to waste.


1. Promoting the idea of gaining strength from using MUJI Products. 

MUJI offers a wide range of products and these products provide strength to customers in different ways. We highlight this through posters or videos.

2. Promoting the idea of how Earth has given us life and taken care of us. 

In line with MUJI’s efforts, the second stage of this campaign involves a larger-than-life electrical plug and socket – with no apparent explanation.

The socket would be located in MUJI stores.

We were thinking that maybe an actor in an Earth costume with a plug would walk around in public spaces.

However, this is too flamboyant and we are thinking of doing a sculpture/installation instead. A giant, simple but weathered globe with a giant plug appears in public spaces near MUJI stores out of nowhere.

The globe can be transported, and when plugged in to the socket in the MUJI store, the globe could light up and create a beautiful spectacle.

This promotes the idea of lending strength back to Earth through mindful consumerism. Generic goods can be good for the environment and its people, and through this metaphor of recharging, we’d like to show that as MUJI’s products lend strength to its consumers, it is also lending strength to Earth by being kinder to the environment, and they are also encouraging its consumers to lend strength back to Earth by being more mindful.

3. Electronic waste drive

This part is a more novel, extra idea, but in line with the iconography of the electrical plug, we could also have a drive ongoing, where people can drop off their faulty or used electrical plugs and receive a discount for MUJI electrical plugs or power cables (which are supposedly made responsibly).

Electronic waste makes up a huge part of our trash and by collecting and displaying the electrical plugs in a large acrylic tank, hopefully it would remind or raise the awareness in consumers to rethink their electronics usage or at least dispose of electronic waste responsibly.

There could be displays to educate the consumers on how to dispose of electronic waste responsibly and some facts on electronic products and waste.

Lastly, this ties back to the company’s ideal of producing as little waste as possible and being good to the environment and its people.