INT 1 Interactive Art Inspiration Week 7


This installation is a not only a playscape, but it is also a library. Acrylic cases holding books hang in different spots around the woven structure. People can pick up a book and lie down to enjoy it.

I realise that I am largely attracted to works similar to this. Large spaces that you can climb on and play in. Although this has been done many times, sometime in the future I would actually really like to make my own version of this playscape. A prototype of which would hopefully be realised for my INT1 project. The idea of a sleeping pod has been with me since freshman year and I would really like to explore the concept behind it and the actual execution.

This installation’s structure is pretty similar to what I envision for my project, although the purpose and message is different. I will try to explore more about this.



While we are at this, I thought might as well include some other similar installations, like these nests by Ernesto Neto. A similar space that encourages play in people, that brings the child back in adults. It invites people to climb in and explore the space inside.

Looking at this, I realised that for interactive art, it is also important how the audience is invited to interact with it. Is it clear to the audience how they could interact with it? Or is it a more subtle, gentle nudge? In The Island Bird, the two entrances make it clear for the audience that they are invited to climb in and explore the space inside. How can I apply this to my work? What kind of interaction do I want the audience to have with my work? These are some things that I will try to explore further.



The concept behind String, to me, is quite interesting. To the audience, the structure is just a playground of sorts, where they can climb and play around. However, they become a part of the artwork as they become suspended in the 3D space in unnatural positions, creating a composition reminiscent of Dada collages. There is both a large space and no space at the same time. The strings pulled taut may create an illusion of emptiness, but the intersecting lines make it not the easiest to traverse in, which is an interesting juxtaposition, I feel. 

Click here for Recess Week’s post!