Surface Design – W1 ( Transfer Printing – Dry + Digital)

Transfer Printing:

Transfer Printing is the transference of an image to fabric or other material via a substrate. Image is then transferred via heat and pressured. 

Types of transfer Printing:
– Dry Transfer
– Wet Transfer
– Digital Transfer

Dry Transfer:
Dry transfer is the simple commercial way of transferring image onto a fabric design. With simple materials, dry transfer could be done at home. 

Materials Used:
– Fabric
– Crayon
– Iron

We started by drawing the desired pattern we want with crayon:) TAKE NOTE: Printed prints would be on a mirror image so draw your design the mirror image of your desired outcome. Especially alphabet, Numbers and Sign.

During heating process, place the fabric as the first layer, followed by you design with the crayon side on the fabric lastly place your baking paper ontop of the design. After doing so, we could use our iron and heat transfer the design.

TADA!!! After removing the iron and peeling off the baking paper and our design, we would have our image printed onto our fabric:)

Wet Transfer
Wet transfer are a little more expensive transfer method to do at home. Reason being, the ink use for creating the design are a little costly. However, other materials such as paper, baking paper, iron and brush are relatively cheap and easy to be bought. Similar to dry transfer, but this time round, instead of using crayons, it would be replaced by transfer ink. There are also two types of wet transfer, direct and in-direct printing.

Medium Used:
– Fabric
– Transferring Ink
– Items
– Iron

Preparing Material:

As wet transfer could only be done when the ink are fully dry. Hence, prepping the design would be needed and recommended. Simply used a paint brush and paint your creative design on a normal printing paper and let it sit till it is fully dry. TAKE NOTE: the ink may look different from the colour it suppose to be, but it is alright. The vibrant and accurate colour would be shown once heated:)

Digital Transfer:

Material Used:
– Printing Paper (Prints) ( CMP 6.2, TTC 3.1 )
– Materials to be printed on
– Hot Press Machine


It was my first time transferring a design using such simple methods. Even though I have tried before melting crayon to create art work, But I have never expect that it would actually stain on a fabric and create distinct pattern on fabric. However, I do not really like this method because the prints does not come out in a solid colour form. The white lines from the drawn design are still visible on the printed fabric also everything have to be done in a mirror image so it is a little challenging. Probably I would love to create it in black only because the white line printed on the fabric actually produce the natural sketchy feeling to the designs.

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