2D-(Assignment 3) Ego- Color Theory (1)


A triadic color scheme uses colors that are evenly spaced around the color wheel.

Triadic color harmonies tend to be quite vibrant, even if you use pale or unsaturated versions of your hues.

To use a triadic harmony successfully, the colors should be carefully balanced – let one color dominate and use the two others for accent.

Triadic color can be found in various elements in our daily life:

Buildings and Interior:








2D-(Assignment 3) Ego- Ego Final (3)


Work work work work work….

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My final 12 paper cut composition are pretty straight forward. There’s no nice hidden meaning and the whole concept is about bodily function. My reaction to different situation and yet these situation are relatively easy for other people to relate to it.

In row 1, composition 1 is me hugging bao ji wan (chinese diarrhea medicine) because I reply on this medicine every time I have diarrhea I use red instead of brown because red is a warm color and using color emotion this medicine give me warm and comfort. In composition 2 the angelic orange and yellow warm color symbolizes sun ray like the warmth and comfort toilet bowl give when we see it during diarrhea. Similar to the angel effect “ahh~” Composition 3 makes uses of direct style from pop art and a little color correction on the explosion.

The 3 composition of the second row I uses more soft color because this row concept is about female and women problem and in color emotion softer color are more feminine. In the 3 composition, I uses cool color like green, purple, light blue, because the idea of this composition is about cold drink.  
 I uses color correction for composition 1 and 2 and pimple are usually swollen red and in pain so I uses pink and red, And these colors also creates a contrasts with the soft light green of the face, and it allows the emphasis the pimple which is the main focus of this row concept. 3 composition is a typical style of pop art in terms of colors, font and layout.This whole row is about the idea of night time, so I tone down the color to more warm color instead of striking light color. And also minimized the usage of a variety of colors. I uses alot of purple in this 3 concept because in color emotion purple tends to be a relax and comfort color. A “nua” color. 


On critique Day I receive feedback regarding the last row of the composition. Joy suggested that I could create a wow factor in last row for example, in the first three row we have wow factor like the shiock, explosion, and lightning strike but the last row seem rather calm and down so I could probably include this factor into my composition. img_3247





All the “So, class any comments?”….

Silence moment…..


2D-(Assignment 3) Ego- Ego Research (2)

Week 1 : Research

When Joy first introduce us to project 3 on our critique day for project 2. Immediately the initial concept that came into my mind was me + on menses = mood-swing? I really like this concept because firstly it is very easy for me to express and secondly it is very relatable and easy for me to convey the idea to people. And so I went on to brainstorm things that happened to me on certain situation as well as situation that might be common and might also happen to other people. So.. think think think…… Then I remember diarrhea, then automatically things like vomit, fever, urine, dig nose, pimples all sorts of disgusting natural human bodily function starts pouring into my brain. HAHAHAHAHA Judge me all you want! Don’t tell me you don’t poop! Even Queen Elizabeth poop! 

Anyway since there is no limitation with the medium used for this project, and I am more of a hands on person I decided to just go with traditional mediums like paper-cut, painting, water color, color pencil etc. I decided to make used of solid colors to create the composition and pop art is famous for using different solid colors in one composition to create it’s work. After deciding on the concept of bodily function, I went on to do some research:

Color Research: POP ART


I did some simple research on the style and try to understand the color used for pop art to see if it fits into my concept. I realized that even though the color used in pop art are solid colors. but the colors actually make sense. Lets say pop corn is still in the color of whitish-yellow and skin tone are still beige. Relaying it to my concept of bodily function, I thought that if I were to make use of colors that makes sense like poo is brown or urine is yellow as the color for my composition, the whole composition would probably look really really disgusting. Then i came across with image like these:


Apparently this is call Color correction, and I decided to include this style into my Project composition, as well as pastel color. Since I want to used traditional hand-on medium and I intend to go with paper-cut. Some example I’ve research would be:


Week 2 : Individual Consultation

After the Individual Consultation on week 2, I learn that pop art is not just about the style the color but actually there is a certain theory behind pop art. I did some research and understand that pop art is actually about mass consumption, and mass population. Simply putting it, it is not only makes uses of celebrities and fictional icon, it also uses symbols icons and daily Things. 

Pop Art uses:

Comic, News, Advertising, Mundane Everyday Object, Celebrities or Fictional Character 

Characteristic of Pop Art:

Thick Bold outline, Clear Lines, Solid Color, Triad color, Split complementary colors.

I decided to just use the Characteristic of Pop Art and not the theory behind Pop Art because this is more connected to my concept instead of celebrities or other things that have no link to my concept. 


For 3D we went Singapore biennale and I saw different art piece that could be inspiration for this project, Eg, embroidery (ok I know I think too highly of myself) haha! and I also notice a few inspiration around adm. 

Week 3 : Group Consultation

To be honest up until this week I only have 1/12 composition IN MY MIND, not craft out but IN MY MIND! I’m so worried because I didn’t even know how the other composition look like and I haven even had the color I want to use confirm. Oh God, I’m so dead. Because of time constrain and Joy advice that paper cut takes up alot of time. I didn’t want to craft out all 12 composition in paper cut. I start exploring mixed medium. I thought of using ingredient paper found inside bao ji wan box and sanitary pad wrapping paper (ok I know I’m super super gross) or even painting it or using transparency. 



It also does not show my understanding in color and I’m drifting further and further away from the project drift. 

Up until Friday and weekend before my presentation on Thursday that I finally decide on just paper cut my life away, Just cut all 12 composition out rather than stuck here trying to explore the medium with no progress at all! Since I only left exactly 6 days left I need to really hurry up and rush myself. I was really stuck trying to convey the composition I had in mind and draw out in my sketch book and everything just look so ugly when I draw myself. I did a rough one in illustrator to guide myself on how my composition would look like and guide me when cutting. I decided to throw away the idea of pastel color because firstly it is hard to get a variety of pastel colored paper with high gsm secondly, lower gsm paper are too thin and affect the top color if i stack a darker color paper at the bottom of the lighter color. So I carefully pick out correct triad colored paper from fancy paper and think of color emotion, cool/warm colors when allocating specific color for the items and character in the composition. untitled

Then… Cut till I die…..


2D-(Assignment 2) Forest Gump- Final! (2)

Finally today is the day of our Assignment 2 Critique!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time passes really fast, at first I just met my classmate, then I was introduced to line project 1 then now I’m presenting my Project 2 and later I would be introuduced to project 3! OH MY GWAD!!! SO FAST 🙁 Really sad to leave this class:( Such wonderful People. 

OI back to topic lah! anyway my final decided quotes are:

  1. The deepest wounds aren’t the ones we get from other people hurting us,
    They are the wound we give ourselves when we hurt other people    Edward Scissorhand, 1990
  2. Once you do something, you never forget. Even if you can’t remember    Spirited Away,2001
  3. You cut yourself off from all sorts of experiences because you tell yourself you are
    ‘not that sort of person”, But, I’m not. How do you know? You’ve done nothing, been nowhere.
    How do you have the faintest idea what kind of person you are?    Me Before You, JoJo Moyes, 2016
  4. But if there’s love, dear…. those are the ties that bind, and you’ll have a family in your heart, forever.
    All my love to you, poppet, you’re going to be alright…bye bye   .Mrs Doubtfire, 1993

For my compositions I wanted to try different style for each composition, some uses silhouette, some uses illustration, some uses greyscale and some uses images and photographs.

And My Compositions Are:

rachel_ng_gi_gin-edward_scissorhands_1This story behind this quote I’ve said it before so i’m repeating again:) To me this quotes reflects to the relationship I have with my mom. Growing up I believe everyone been through many quarrels with their family members. If you say no, I don’t believe. haha,.. Anyway yes, I’ve quarrel with my mom countless time, when we quarrel, I always felt im the one being blame, being misunderstood and hurt by her and that I’m always wrong, But when I calm down, I always feel really sorry and guilty for the words I’ve said to her. Regretting each and every words I’ve said to hurt her. Feeling so hurt in my heart for causing this quarrel and hurting my love one. And this is where this composition comes about.

The white hair on the left symbolizes my mother, and the one on the left symbolizes me. The reason why is a mirror image is because many many people say we look really really alike like ang gu kueh mold out. Adding on, the sword piercing through my mouth to her meaning that when we quarrel not only I’ve hurt her, But after we quarrel the pain and sorry I got after I regret is more than the hurt I’ve cause her. The constant regret and pain I felt and guiltiness that filled me. Reason why there is only blood from my mouth is because of the greater pain I suffer after we’ve quarrel. And words on my mother’s body showing the idea of once said never taken back so it’s on body and not clothing because it can never changes and would always be reminded that I’ve one said these words to hurt her. 


This is the same design I printed on my tote bag. Family time is always a very precious time for me. Especially things that could bind us together means even more. The old chinese film is the thing that could bind us together as a family, without electronic devices or doing work or anything else. Everyone just sit together and simple laugh as we watch these movies. The puzzle design meaning that combing these films and pieces of the family on the background together would eventually form a full complete puzzle. And the reason I decided to print this on my tote bag is because firstly I spend alot time on this and only had this on composition on the tote bag printing week. Secondly, this is still happening in my family, we are still watching these movies now and then for our family time. 


I’m the kind of person that always tell myself I can’t do this, I can’t do that, but infact I’ve never step out of my comfort zone and tried things before. For example, I’ve always scare of water, Sports like snorkeling or diving is an absolutely NO in my dictionary. But my sister is always the one behind my back pushing me out of my comfort zone, telling me you never try you would never know and last last year I’ve finally tried snorkeling and to be honest! I really love it, it is scary for me yes, But I would definitely do it again:) So this composition shows my sister(one the right) stepping on the palm or my parents pushing me(one the left) breaking free out of my comfort zone with is symbolize by the line drawn out from baby inside womb. And me sited on the swing with the hands holding onto the strings meaning the words my sister always tells me, No matter how scary that thing is just remember we’re always here holding and rooting for you. So just try..:) 


The meaning behind this composition is trying to say many times in life, we do alot of things and we would go “I don’t remember leh, But I think I got do before” or “I’m pretty sure I got do before” So this quote to me is to constantly remind me that I have to spend time and do family activities with my family. Because of work, my family didn’t have much time and money to travel together. And because I was young, I have no idea how to organized one. Now gown up we finally are able to travel together for the very first time last year. And to me, I would want to do many of such activities together. The activities on the brain in the composition are the things I want to do as a family, things like travelling, movies, picnic, chalet, sports or having seafood. Even if we can’t remember we did that before I believe we would still have a little memory about it. Just like the lighter part and eraser dust on the composition even is one day these memories are erase or we cant remember it, we would still leave a trace or mark in our brains just like when we erase things off paper, we can’t completely erase it clean.

Problem I Faced:

Throughout this project, the first problem I faced was how to link the quotes to myself. I could say I love this quote that quote, But even I myself wonder why I actually like this quote. Secondly, would be finding the right images. When you gave a idea or composition in mind, it’s hard to find the right high resolution image to craft out the picture you had in mind. As well as the adjusting it to black and white. Some image would turn out too dark and some would details non show and you have to match it with the other image in your composition:( I didn’t have much problem with my silk screening process except for the fact that washing takes a long time:)

Critique Day!!:)

Feedback I receive from Joy on Critique Day:)

  • Could have something to link the four compositions together.
  • The composition for “Me before You” could use real hands to show the character identity and age of the person. Parents hand could be slightly older and different between mom and dad hand.
  • Small details could link the four compositions together. Eg, in “Spirited Away” have activities like film and on “Mrs Doubtfire” we can find film being shown as a subject:)
Everyone Came EARLY!!!




2D-(Assignment 2) Forest Gump- Work Progress (1)

Journey Week 1 -Selecting Move Quotes


Journey Week 2 -Individual Consultation

On week 2 of our project was our individual consultation, at this point of time, to be honest I was rather stuck and lost about the composition and how to link these quotes to the project. So after individual consultation with Joy I told her that the reason  I love  one of the quote is because it reflects my relationship with my mother and how my words always hurt her when we fight or quarrel. And joy gave me the idea that I could produce my composition based on the relationship I have with my family members:) and so Ok, Decided liao!:)

Quotes Selected:

  1. The deepest wounds aren’t the ones we get from other people hurting us,
    They are the wound we give ourselves when we hurt other peopleEdward Scissorhand, 1990
  2. Once you do something, you never forget. Even if you can’t remember-Spirited Away,2001
  3. You cut yourself off from all sorts of experiences because you tell yourself you are
    ‘not that sort of person”, But, I’m not. How do you know? You’ve done nothing, been nowhere.
    How do you have the faintest idea what kind of person you are?-Me Before You, JoJo Moyes, 2016
  4. But if there’s love, dear…. those are the ties that bind, and you’ll have a family in your heart, forever.
    All my love to you, poppet, you’re going to be alright…bye bye.-Mrs Doubtfire, 1993

Journey Week 3 -Recess Week

On Week 4 we would be having our silk screening session and so many of us uses our recess week to craft out our composition for the  silk screening session next week.

So I choose the quote :

“The deepest wounds aren’t the ones we get from other people hurting us,
They are the wound we give ourselves when we hurt other people”

-Edward Scissorhand, 1990

cos got the most “feel” haha

anyway, to me this quotes reflects to the relationship I have with my mom. Growing up I believe everyone been through many quarrels with their family members. If you say no, I don’t believe. haha,.. Anyway yes, I’ve quarrel with my mom countless time, when we quarrel, I always felt im the one being blame, being misunderstood and hurt by her and that I’m always wrong, But when I calm down, I always feel really sorry and guilty for the words I’ve said to her. Regretting each and every words I’ve said to hurt her. And this is where this composition comes about,

compo1a4The one on the left in white shirt is me and the one one the right with apron is my mother. The machine gun in the middle refers to the way I perceive her everytime we quarrel. I always thought of her as “机关枪” literally means machine gun, words just shoot shoot shoot out of her mouth nonstop. And the knife symbolizes the wounds I am gonna get when I quarrel with her. Like instead of her hurting me when we quarrel but it hurts more when I quarrel with her. The brain behind my mom actually means my mind, what am I thinking inside. Like on the inside I think of her as a machine gun. To be honest, I myself also does not like this concept very much as i felt it doesn’t really shows the message and meaning I was trying to convey. The whole composition looks pretty misleading. Honestly, I didn’t like it. 

The technical aspect of it: Since the transparency was going to be for our silk screening lesson. I didn’t really bitmap it nicely and consistent, instead, I varies the bitmap size to test out the results I would get with different dot size. 

Journey Week 4 -Individual Consultation, Silk Screening Session

I was given alot of feedbacks during group consultation and I REALLY APPRECIATE them!:) I receive comments that the composition have alot of meaning and story behind it but when looking at it, it doesn’t show. And also that the brain seems awkward and extra:) Mouth seems more happy than quarreling, Basically I can consider re-adjusting the whole composition:) SO Grateful for these comments it help me to know what other people interpret from the composition since I myself know the story and meaning already:) THANK YOU GIRLS!:)

After our recess week was our first silk screening session, and was my official first silk screening session in my life. I didn’t really manage to take much picture because the dark room is very sensitive to light and the washing room was wayyyyyy to dark. So all I have was:


As you can see the bitmap for the knife was way too small so only the outline could be seen. But for me I think it’s alright as we can still recognized it as a knife. Both the mouth turn out pretty well, except the fact that I went twice and it was way too thick and it kind of smudged the ink a little, the bitmap dots were no where visible on the machine gun, however the overall shape of the machine gun were printed out with that I am pretty satisfied already. The only weird thing to me would be the brain. It seems too out of place and extra to be place there and also the bitmap being so huge and different. But anyway i purposely set the bitmap size to be so huge so i could see the effect and I guess after this class I got the rough idea of how the bitmap work and how to set my bitmap sizes:) 

Before our group consultation and silk screening, we were given some time to think about our work and composition. I was looking at the quote from the movie Mrs Doubtfire”:

“But if there’s love, dear…. those are the ties that bind, and you’ll have a family in your heart, forever.
All my love to you, poppet, you’re going to be alright…bye bye.”

-Mrs Doubtfire, 1993

and I was thinking what thing actually binds my family together? I realized is these old chinese movies. Only on occasion when the tv give free channels and these movies air we would all put all electronic devices aside and just sit together as a family, have a laugh and watches these movies one after next. And this became my inspiration for quote number 2:)


Journey Week 5 -Silk Screening of Tote Bag

On week 5, Many of us spend our class time crafting out our new screen and tote bag. I felt like its four hours of washing washing washing and washing hahahahaha… But I enjoy the process:) I was really really worried the screen doesn’t turn out well as we are running out of time and only had one tote bag each. But with the help of Dawin and JiaZhen  I AM SOOO SOOO GRATEFUL FOR THEM. they taught me how to correct take out the screen so I only tried once on paper and Jia Zhen was like just straight go tote bag, ok one, JUST DO IT!! And so…..



Next Week critique! Xiao Scary, No Actually very scary:(



2D-(Assignment 1) My Line Is Emo- (End) Chinese Ghost Festival (3)




From my tittle you’ll be able to know that my concept is the Chinese Ghost Festival. The six emotions, Love, Fear, Surprise, Joy, Anger and Sadness is subdivided into:


The main idea of this concept is “外面看里面,里面看外面” Outside (us humans see Ghost Festival) vs Inside( Ghost see Ghost Festival. I choose this layout because I want to create two side, one side represent Humans Emotions and one side represent Ghost Emotions. However, the bottom six rows is a mixture of Anger and Sadness because i felt that us human as well the the ghost both contain these common emotions towards the Chinese Ghost Festival. Even though I may not exactly know how the Ghost feel about this festival. But i make uses of traditional believe (Ghost one month holiday where they could eat, take money and have fun) and story behind the Ghost festival to allocate the emotions.


Since I’ve uses mainly Chinese ink and White acrylic ink. I decided to play with the paper medium and I’ve realize different paper medium gives a total different effect even with the same technique.

  • Newsprint
  • White Copy Paper
  • Black Paper
  • Paper Money (Kim Zhua)
  • Tracing Paper


Love: Longing, Respect, Devoted

Fear: Panic, Uneasiness, Tenseness


Love: Longing

This strip represent longing. The reason why I choose this mark as longing is because Ghost festival happens annually for a month and one of the day Chinese family would pray to their ancestor. And i felt longing represent one of the feeling human have, the thick to thin mark symbolizes that during this day the miss feeling we have to our ancestor e.g grandparents would get stronger and slowly fade away until next year the feeling of miss would get stronger again when the date gets nearer.

Medium use: Rambutan stem draw lines on newsprint


Love: Respect

Ghost Festival is a traditional occasion, now most people doesn’t continue this tradition and I felt people who continue this tradition is because of the respect they have towards this traditional festival. The mark on the strip symbolizes the lost of people respecting such tradition, from left to right the mark starts to disappear bit by bit.

Medium use: Mu Er draw lines on black paper with white ink

DevotedLove: Devoted 

Devoted represent how faithful people is towards this tradition. despite being a modern world now, every year during this month the same routine would definitely happen again. Hence, the marks symbolizes people praying for the same reason/direction.  How people look up to this festival.

Medium use: Joss Sticks dip in chinese ink hold and push towards the same direction on newsprint


Fear: Panic

During this month humans get panic over it because of the fear we have towards this festival as traditional believe that during this month ghost are being let out to have fun, eat and get money from the human world. The marks represent the panic emotion humans have, the messy and irritated lines represent the thought in human brain.

Medium use: Facai dabbing on white copy paper


Fear: Uneasiness

 During this month when we walk alone at night or even in a quiet place we would definitely feel uneasy. Feeling eerie and uncomfortable. Hence this marks represent the emotion, the up and down stroke and uneven mark left because of the chinese ink and kim zhua texture reflects the up and down emotion we have.

Mudium: Joss Sticks dip chinese ink Up and down on Kim Zhua


Fear: Tenseness

 Similar to Uneasiness, we felt tense up during this month. when a plastic bag is stretch  the stretch marks it reminds me of the emotion tense. The mark on the strip represent the emotion tense just like the tightness we have when we tense up.

Medium use: Joss Sticks roll on black paper


Surprise: Amazement, Startle, Incredulity

Joy: Satisfaction, Excitement, Contentment


Surprise: Amazement

With traditional believe when ghost are let out they would feel amazement when they see the prayer table us human have prepared for them, the ” WAH! ” feeling. Hence, this mark is make up many small dots and it creates a blur vision and a sense of surprise, i felt that this results shows the feeling of amazement and the uneven black tone adds on to the surprise feeling.

Medium use: Apply chinese ink on paper money, flip it and stamp it on white paper


Surprise: Startle

 Startle refers to the shock the ghost felt when some of them see the prayer table, some table are filled with amazing prayers good whereas some had nothing. In design principal we learn that the tone and value can differentiate different meaning in this design, the different black tone shows the little jerks of shock emotions the ghost feels.

Medium use: Joss sticks roll on tracing paper

IncredulitySurprise: Incredulity

Incredulity means the disbelief ghost have when they come out and realizes no one or family member there to pray them. When we are in shock of disbelief our mind tends to be in a messed, so this strips represent the messed thought they have in their mind.

Medium use: Dao Gi dabbing on Kim Zhua


Joy: Satisfaction

This strip represent satisfaction. Traditional believe that the throat of the ghost are being narrow when they are in hell, during the ghost festival gods would open up the throat of these ghost for them to eat and hence, they would feel satisfied whenever they filled themselves with food during this month.

Medium use: Joss sticks draw in circular motion on black paper


Joy: Excitement

This strip it’s pretty direct show of the emotion. When i try out this medium with the whacking technique the mark straight away reflects the emotion of excitement. Just like us humans when we are let out to party we would definitely feel excited and this apply to the ghost as well.

Medium use: Facai whacking on black paper


Joy: Contentment

When the ghost receive money, they would definitely feel contented. I have no idea how they spend but just like us humans we also feel contented. If you look closer the mark looks like little human jumping silhouette and that to me feels like contentment.

Medium use: Longan Stem dotting on white paper

Common Emotions 

Anger: Hate, Jealousy, Vengeful

Sadness: Grief, Suffering, Loneliness


Anger: Hate

Using the principal of design the color can reflects warm and cold tone. The same technique is use to create the strip hate and suffering, however creating it on different medium can gives a different emotion. The white paper reflects a cold feeling whereby it shows the hate humans felts toward this festival, some people feel it’s polluting the air by burning incense paper, and l creates litter to our environment. and ghost would hate because of the lingering feeling they have towards the human world.

Medium use: Candle Wax portion dip in chinese ink and roll on white paper

GriefSadness: Grief

The splatter effect on the tracing paper created the emotion grief. Humans belief that in these ghost there is their family members. and hence during this month they would feel sad and grief. Ghost also feel this way because once they were humans and they would also missed their family. I uses chinese ink on tracing paper because the diluted watery chinese ink would created a glossy effect on tracing when dry. Hence, it kind of symbolizes the tears of humans

Medium use: Longan stem dip in ink and flick the longan stem with fingers.


Sadness: Suffering

The same technique is use for this strip and the hate strip however when creating it on kim Zhua, it red tone gives a more warm feeling just like suffering it felt more bloody and harsh compare to white paper. Humans and ghost both suffers during this month, humans felt the environment being polluted and ghost felt suffering when they misses the human world.

Medium use: Candle Wax portion dip in chinese ink and roll on Kim Zhua


Sadness: Loneliness

When experimenting around i suddenly remember the principal of design when many dots are close together instead of looking them individually you look at them in groups. Just like loneliness, they seems like there is alot of them and people around you but actually your alone. Just like ghost do feel lonely even though they are all in groups because their family members are in human world. and human feel lonely because their love one may have pass on and they are left behind.

Medium use: Candle tip dip in chinese ink and dot on Kim Zhua


Anger: Jealousy

Ghost would feel jealous because they are once humans and so this strip with the skinny lines would represent the jealousy thought slowly eating up their mind

Medium use: Joss Sticks red part zig zag motion on black paper.


Anger: Vengeful

The messy lines shows the emotion vengeful the ghost have. It it messed up, complicated, dark and mystery. Very harsh in tone and mind would be lost in thought. Just like some ghost would have vengeance on the human world.

Medium use: Facai circular motion on newsprint

Our Critic Day:

IMG_1824 IMG_1829


p.s someone ask me to burn for him/her. Who ar?



Behind The Scene



Tips: Change your blade before cutting them! It would save your life!!!!!!!!!!!!

2D-(Assignment 1) My Line Is Emo- My “Emo” Journey (2)

Week 1-3

One week ago, before Joy gave us the brief on our project 1. It was the annual Ghost festival, every year during this month I would accompany my family to this nearby coffee shop for a massive gathering prayer with my dads longtime friend.

And the following week after Joy brief us on our assignment, I was like “eh! Why not?” and so i went back home, look through the photos I took and did some research on the ritual and things used during prayer.13892190_1042371339172457_4831935631975631657_nSlide1


Also I remember Joy showing us some of our senior work, one did her final work with tree twig, and another one did his work with fish bone. So, after brainstorming, I though “why not i create my work out of material used during the Chinese ghost festival prayers?” It’s kind of creepy I know and I don’t know if i would offend “them”. But oh well, if i didn’t steal from the one used to pray but I buy it for the project, I guess it is just a type of paper medium:)

So, I gather some materials and try it out.








After trying out, I was pretty stuck here because I thought that the strips could only consist of design make up from lines. But after week 3 individual consultation with Joy, I realize what I did previously was wrong. The line represent the strips itself and not the design in it. I also discuss my concept of using prayer material as my medium and she gave me wonderful suggestion whereby i could think about the rituals, e.g praying, splashing alcohol. to create my design.

I try with mediums like :

  • Joss Sticks
  • Tea
  • Candle
  • Rice
  • Salt
  • Paper Money
  • Chinese Ink
  • Paper Coin
  • Dried Vegetation e.g Dao Gi, Facai, Tang Hoon, Mu Er
  • Longan Stem
  • Rambutan Stem

Since I’ve decided to use mainly Chinese Ink and White acrylic ink. I decided to play around with the paper medium and I’ve realize different paper medium fives a total different effect even with the same technique.

  • Newsprint
  • Paper Money (Kim Zhua)
  • White Copy Paper
  • Tracing Paper
  • Black Paper


Back, I tried with Joss sticks. Now without the restriction of creating only lines, I finally realized how fun this project is. I have so much fun creating so many different mark making design with just only joss sticks.


Week 4

Week 4 marks the end of the Lunar Ghost Festival, as well as the week for group consultation.


I guess I was having too much fun playing with the praying material and creating different marks before the group consultation, but totally forget that the main aim of this project was to create strips that represent the emotions Love, Fear, Sadness, Surprise, Joy and Anger.

After looking at the marks created I could link them to my emotions. But now that i have decided the strips for the emotions, Problem come. How am i suppose to link my emotions to my concept. Yes I could say that this strip represent this, this strip represent that, but what does it have to do with my concept.

But my wonderful classmate gave me very very very helpful idea during group consultation. They say that I could I use the theme “外面看里面, 里面看外面”, which means how the outside (us humans) see the festival and how the inside (Ghost) see the festival. And I thought this is a wonderful idea!! And i’m so thankful for!:)

Now that I have my concept and Marks ready, it’s time to purchase some papers and construct my final work!!!

2D-(Assignment 1) My Line Is Emo- Mono Printing (1)

To me ( My Line Is Emo) is really an interesting project, not only that I’ve learn new technique, recognized more artist but most importantly I felt like I manage to widen my creativity. I used to be a person that narrows my creativity, not thinking out of the box and always end up stuck in the process of my work. Anyway, photo tells a thousand words so I’m not gonna say much.

Week 2

Week 2 I learn a new technique called mono print, my very first post on oss was about me not knowing anything about mono printing and mark making, now I know!



Step 1: Roll ink onto mat

Step 2: Place Items on mat( I uses cling wrap in the photo)

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Step 3: Use a Mono printing machine roll over/ Use a Roller to roll over/ Press it with a flat tool


We also had a discussion with half of our classmates on the reference artist for this project:) We shared different opinion we have on the artist artwork, style as well as our favorite artists. It was a really helpful activity, even though we research on the same group of artist but eveyone have a different opinion of different artist’s artwork.

For me I choose Andy Warhol because honestly, I can’t get the pee artwork our of my mind HAHA! It was impressive, but errrr………….well, “non-environmental friendly”

P.s I really love the little Cai Guo Qiang my classmate Vania drew on the paper!!!

IMG_1088IMG_1056Artist Research (Reference)

I actually spend quite a lot of time researching on each and every artist, because i don’t really know much artist previously other than Andy Warhol, Leonado Da Vinci or Picasso.

I realize these artist create art in a totally different style. Some creates art based on their family background, some because of political issues, crazy art style and some created art without a story because he doesn’t think there is a need to.

In general, just one week lesson and homework allows me to gain alot of knowledge that I didn’t have before. It was really enjoyable and definitely very helpful for project 1.