
  1. the quality or condition of presenting a narrative.

Perhaps we can understand narrativity is the way we deliver narratives. The nature of this notion is evolving with the experiments and explorations of technology and how we can use it to tell stories.


The nature of stories themselves are also changing. Stories , once only experienced in one dimension , can now be re visited and enjoyed with different outcomes.

Why do we tell stories?

The nature of stories have evolved but the nature of storytelling and why we tell stories have stayed very much the same. We tell stories differently but why we tell them is very much, at least I believe, the same.

We tell stories because it is who we are. Stories are the shared experiences that we have. We tell stories to share experiences.




  1. It’s interesting that stories now can be experienced in more than 1 dimension and that it can be explored and challenged in many different ways now.

  2. Completely agree with the nature of stories are changing but can you agree that the very essence of storytelling is similar all round no matter the medium?

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