Category Archives: EM1/Mirror


Back 2 OSS! And this time with MAX.

After the first week of going through MAX, we learned how to start and stop our webcams, create a full screen window (w the press of a key), as well as inverting the image shown on a separate window.

This looks kinda messy because I was just tryin’ it out with the help of the guide…

After which, we got to learn about patchers, which are kind of like pockets that help you to organize your information and path within. You just gotta connect them to the ‘main space’. Makes your entire space neater and you can do more!!

Made it simpler for myself to understand and placed the entire thing into a patcher: videoin.

Included the jit.rgb2luma in order to make the video greyscale, and cv.jit.faces to track my face!!!

Placed it into patcher p face.
jit.iter: Iterate a matrix as a series of Max lists/values – and unpack into 4 different values, x1, x2, y1, y2 (area of face detected).

p brightness
Multiplied the x and y values in order to attain the area of face detected

It really took me super long to figure out why it didn’t work and I think it had something to do with how i connected the patchers. BUT I finally got it to work!!!

Connected p brightness to display the output numver and to jit.op @op that would adjust the brightness based on the value!

So this is a short clip of me tryin’ my ‘mirror’ on MAX out! (The video is bad but this was the best I could do because it’s SUPER laggy on my computer :-()