3D: Object sketch Analysis

Form Analysis: Face Soap Bottle

The item which form I found interesting is this face soap bottle. I personally like its form which consists mainly of curves and circles only. It makes the bottle appealing to be held in the hand.

D: Dominant, SD: Sub-dominant, SO: Sub-ordinate

Blue line: Principle axis

The red colour of the bottle is balanced with the text, such that the red is not over-done. The  cap contrasts the red bottle in colour and size as well.

From the top view, the relationship of the cap and the bottle changes. The cap becomes the dominant item and the bottle is the sub-ordinate item.

The height of the bottle cap is approximately 1/6 of the entire height of the bottle, which abides by the rule of thirds, making an item have aesthetic proportion as well.


Similar to the face soap bottle, the shirt’s design is aesthetically pleasing to me due to the harmony of the different components in the design. The dominant colour, white, is balanced with the logo which consists of the blue sub-dominant area and the sub-ordinate red colour. The area of each colour is just right in proportion and interact with each other well.

One Reply to “3D: Object sketch Analysis”

  1. As mentioned in Friday class do include the lines of symmetry & any other gridlines when analysing your 3D object. Onegaishimasu.

    Haha there’s a white version of your sweater! ThanX for sharing the online site Naomi. It was a great talking point for Dominant, Sub-dominant & Sub-ordinate.;)

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