Project 1, My Line is Emo (Research)

This post will cover the research that I had done before our first mark making session!

1. Choosing the 18 emotions

Infatuation: an intense but short-lived passion/admiration for someone/something
Longing: a yearning desire
Caring: displaying kindness, concern (warmth)

Annoyed: slightly angry, irritated
Bitterness: anger + resentment due to bad experiences
Envy: a feeling of discontentment/resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions/qualities/luck

Glumness: feeling dejected/dispirited
Rejected: dismissed as inadequate, unacceptable, faulty
Suffering: an experience, being affected by, hence feel worse

Pride: feeling of deep pleasure/satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements
Relief: helps to provide a short respite/reassurance due to anxiety/tedious situations etc
Optimism: hopefulness & confidence for the future/success of something

Panic: sudden uncontrollable fear/anxiety
Hysteria: exaggerated/uncontrollable emotion/excitement
Uneasiness: opposite of relaxation (and discomfort)

Shock: sudden upsetting/surprising event/experience
Amazement: a feeling of great surprise/wonder
Startled: cause to feel sudden shock/alarm

2. Picture references for the following emotions:

Picture ReferencePicture Reference 2

3. Artists’ References for this Project:

Ed Moses
– Makes use of a more structured style (in the 1970s)
– Use of cut outs & lines, exploring different mediums (thick vs thin brush strokes, pencil)
– Some of his works being repetitive

Cai Guo Qiang
– Use of unconventional medium (e.g. gunpowder – This may have a link to his expression? (explosive))
– His works paint a story (most of the time). Narrative function

Yves Klein
– “IKB 191” – just a blue canvas with no details, yet may be able to convey his expression.
– Various painting methods (rollers, sponges, used naked models as line brushes, use of handprints (which could help to depict his story as well) – provided textured qualities too)

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