Week One Assignment – Introduction

Tan Chloe

Chloe is an aspiring interactive designer that seeks to produce practicality in interactive media. She is currently pursuing a Degree in Fine Arts in Interactive Media at Nanyang Technological University, Art Design and Media.

Having an interest in all things art and digital design since she was young, she loved trying new things, and eventually stepped into the world of interactive media and that began her interest in exploring not only artworks but also other platforms that could promote interactivity with users.

Chloe’s other interests include illustrating, graphic designing, coding and video editing. She hopes to venture into works that can encompass all these various interests of hers.


This was a programme written using cycling74, MaxMSP to help people decide on what they should drink, based on their reactions to kind of test their level of tiredness, and also based on their body temperature.



This artwork allows anyone – with or without knowledge in music play a music piece with just these lines/surfaces and more importantly, I think I’ve always been quite fascinated by installations that are more hands-on/require you to do something rather than one that is merely immersive. I think it makes me think about my own artworks in the future, maybe – of how I would like them to be more dependent on audience participation (and would hopefully keep people occupied for a long time!)

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