Co-Broadcasting Experiment

Before the broadcast, I was quite shocked that we could do a split screen via Facebook Live. I was excited that we could do that since it tied in with the final project my group was about to embark.

When the live broadcast was starting, I was facing some difficulties with the internet connection in school (as usual). I had to seek help from my classmates on how to do the split screen after inviting my partner, Joan. After struggling for some time, I finally got the split to work and the both of us was very excited about it.

It was interesting that we could hear each other from both side but only the person who invited the other person could see both sides. The other person could only hear the invited person voice but could not see the face. The only problem was that both sides could not see each other.

Overall, it was quite an experience where we could co broadcast without finding other means to see each other face-to-face. I enjoyed the experience. 


Posted by Hannah Kwah on Thursday, 12 October 2017