Project 1: Making Through Type (Research)


As a start for this project, I have went on to find out more about what is typography to further help me in better understanding this project!

What is typography?

It is the visual art of creating type.

There are 3 main components to be considered while creating our own fonts.

  • Sense of aesthetics(to looks aesthetically appealing)
  • Legibility (able to be read clearly by anyone)
  • To convey mood/idea (the font sets emotion to the overall visuals)

There are basically 2 main basic fonts which are sans-serif and serif. These are the very first decisions we have to make before creating any type.

Serif vs Sans-serif


Serif: Considered as a more older typeface that is usually used in newspaper or book publishing. It is a typeface having a stroke that extends from letters. It can be in the form of a tail, sharp or blunt, decorative or plain.

Associated Mood: Classic, elegant, formal, confident and established.

Examples:  Times Roman, Rockwell, Georgia, and Baskerville.


Sans-Serif: Typically considered as a more modern typeface. Sans-serif lacks strokes at the end of letters thus its name “Sans” serif. It is associated with simplicity and modernistic as it lacks the add-on details. The edges of a Sans-serif varies from sharp to rounded.

Associated Mood:  Modern, friendly, direct, clean and minimal

Examples: Helvetica, Arial, Futura and Franklin Gothic.

Different types of existing typography



Brainstorming of Jobs

For the brainstorming part, since we are using initials from our names, I wanted to take up jobs that are more in relation to me on a personal level. I wanted to choose jobs that define me as who I’m. Therefore, even though some of the jobs may not seem as out of the world and crazy, they represented some of my hobbies, personalities, and aspirations. Below are some of the jobs I’ve thought of that I feel are related to me and I’ve noted down some of the visual element/essence that has come to my mind when I thought of these jobs.

Jobs, Unique Essence & Ideas/Items References


  • Terrarium Artist

Moss letters, Soil and stone base, Glass dome background




  • Makeup Artist

Using real fake lashes, lipstick and mascara stains




  • Cat cuddler

Fur texture on letters








  • Carnival Game Planner

Games: Darts popping balloons, Ring on the bottleneck, Can knocking



  • Fortune Teller

Tarot spread, Opened tarot cards with my initials, Horoscope signs



  • Tailor/ Fashion Designer

Thread, Measuring tapes, Mannequin, Guiding needle



  • Matchmaker

Red thread

  • Toy/leggo maker


  • Wedding planner

Flower bouquet, Wedding gown, Grand venue


  • Baby Sitter

Baby mobile, Safety pins, Baby Pram


  • Detective

Notebook, Magnifying glass, Detective hat, Smoking pipe


Pinterest & Google image