[Internet Art & Culture] Research Critique – JenniCam

by Jennifer Ringley

Our lives are absorbed by the Internet – we work, we network, all by looking into a screen (no matter how big or small) that seems to consume more and more of our time. Look, you are even reading this write-up on the Internet right now. Continue reading [Internet Art & Culture] Research Critique – JenniCam

[Internet Art & Culture] Co-Broadcasting First Trial


Posted by Tiffany Anne on Thursday, 12 October 2017

Facebook Co-Broadcasting – First Experience
The new split-screen feature in the Facebook Live is a very useful additional to the whole live streaming trend. While you are streaming, you are able to invite a guest who is viewing your broadcast to join in to our live stream.  Continue reading [Internet Art & Culture] Co-Broadcasting First Trial

[Internet Art & Culture] Cross Stream Broadcast Technical Test

Technical Test Round 1
The first round of cross stream broadcast we had in class last week was quite a disaster. Although the Facebook live streaming from the phone worked well, the one that was cross streaming on the laptop was incredibly lagging.


Tiffany at base while I walked around with my phone

Tiffany and I conducted a technical test before the actual broadcasting and situated our ‘base’ in the library. I was the first one to started out live using my phone while Tiffany stayed in the library. We had slight issues in the beginning while trying to get Tiffany’s streaming to work. After resolving, I tried walking around and had no problem on my side.


Technical Test Round 2
When I returned, we realised that Tiffany forgot to click on the ‘Go Live’ button! So we conducted another short test within the library itself.

Tiffany at base while I walked around with my phone – Round 2


For this session, we noticed that there was about a minute of delay in the beginning on the laptop’s side and figured out that the one on the mobile should go live first for a minute to settle the lagging down. After a minute, the one on the laptop can broadcast next.

Technical Test Round 3
Final session, it was my turn to test on my laptop. There was a slight lagging in the beginning but everything went well afterwards. The audio worked pretty good as well.

A screenshot of my cross streaming broadcast with Tiffany
