Month: November 2018

Project 3 – Process Documentation

Drafts for first consultation


  • There was major misalignment. The folding lines are not accurate as I draw out the fold lines on an A4 and then scan it to import it as vector lines on illustrator.

  • Besides that, the page above seems to be very unstable. The letters should not be cut off and also it does not give a sense of ‘surprise’ when the user opens it.

  • For the content of the brochure, I had make use of my previous poster’s element graphic – which are the splashes.
  • The play of angular and diagonal crops for the images, seems to be good. But due to this overall shape, there are some weird empty spaces. The blue ‘filler’ also does not serve any purpose and necessary for the design intent.  Hence, for my next draft I decided to remove it.
  • The event description was placed on top of the brochure. It was suggested to be placed at the back of the brochure instead. So that the user will know what’s the event is about without having to open and open another page.


Hence to rectify the problems listed, I decided to use a much accurate method to draw out the fold lines – which is by using autocad. And it works. Even though it is really difficult to make it as accurate as possible. This is because my design is on both sides and a little shift in printing it will affect the whole grid layout design of the brochure. (*apparently ‘true colors’ print it perfectly than ‘colorvizio’ )

As for the ‘surprise’ element, I decided to play with the contrast of colors. The user will see a huge paint of blue, as contrast to the front page of the brochure. I intended to pique the user’s curiosity to find out more what’s inside.

However, again, the alignment problem is still there. It was suggested that I totally removed the flaps if I could not make it work somehow. Simple folds with good design layout will holds the information better than a complicated one.

Another version of the design (without flaps)

Hence, I decided to just make another version, which is without the flaps. Personally I prefer this as the content inside is very neat and clean. The slogan is then placed at the back of the brochure since the flaps are now gone. However, I feel the brochure is not really impactful. So I decided to go with my original idea and try to make the flaps  design work.

final design

Concept & ideas:

  • Once the user opens up the front page, they will see the slogan ’embedded in our DNA’. This slogans seeks the user to peek inside what’s embedded in that DNA. So the visuals – as you can see, is a strand of DNA that is in dispersed form in order to reveal what is inside/implanted in that DNA.
  • The play of contrasting colors is very important to create a visual interest of the reader.
  • Continuity of visuals, which are the ‘splash’ element. This is to ensure that it gives the consistent message and theme throughout the brochure.
  • The size of the brochure (A3) is too big. Perhaps can reduce the size as there are some empty spaces at the back of the brochure.
  • One of the artist, Andre Wee, body text is too close to the margin and seems out of place. Suggestion is that reduce the overall text size for every artists’ description by 1 point and squeeze in Andre Wee’s part in middle part.
  • Accuracy in alignment can be improved on.
  • Include “Singapore Design Week” on front page as SDW acronym might be unfamiliar to some.
  • At the back, include in the location.
  • The arrows to indicate the images are very helpful.
  • The stark contrast between the front page and the one after, is successful. ^^

Creative Response III- Bauhaus Shapes & Colour

in-class activity

Visual response of “disgust”:

Visual response of “admiration”:

De Stijl style of my name:

Bauhaus style Singapore influence:

One of the fundamentals of Bauhaus is that, form follows function. It means that utility comes first and excessive ornamentation were avoided. Bauhaus artists favoured linear and geometrical forms, while floral or curvilinear shapes were avoided. Only line, shape and colours mattered. Hence, for the piece above, only  triangles, squares and circles were used to represent Singapore landmarks. I realized that most of the things around us (architectural, objects etc) were based on geometric shapes as a foundation.

Besides that, for Singapore’s culture, I had drawn ketupat as well as a lantern. Ketupat is served during special occasions such as Hari Raya Puasa and Malay weddings, whereas, lanterns are mostly seen in the Chinese culture. Especially in events such as ‘The Lantern Festival’.  It is a Chinese festival celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month in the lunisolar Chinese calendar.

Creative Response II – Art Noveau

In class exercise

Cubism Portrait :

One of my  artwork piece by William Morris shown below. This reminds me of the flight attendants of Singapore Airlines (SIA) dressed in the distinctive sarong kebaya SIA uniform.


I tried to multiply them to create an interesting pattern. Originally it was a picture of a rooftop building. This pattern could be link to Singapore in terms of what Singapore is mainly made up of- concrete jungle and bricks. It was once a third-world country, but Singapore now becoming more industrialized and developed. This means more buildings, and lesser greens.