Description: Deliverable 2 is a product of ‘Masak Time’ which is a cooking competition in the poster (Deliverable 1). It consists of a box to hold a sample of four recipe cards. The idea behind it is that they are recipe cards of recipes created by the participants of the competition. The recipe cards will be given out to residents after the competition as a little token from MY YEW TEE 2019. How the competition works is that residents are required to build a team with their neigbours to be qualified for the competition. They are then to create original fusion recipes. This way, it creates a platform that encourages neighbours to get to know each other by working together in something that everyone loves: FOOD!

Box Template
Front of cards
Back of cards

Final outcome:


Poster for a community day event called MY YEW TEE 2019

Description: A day filled with events specially organised for residents of Yew Tee where they are able to come together and carry out exciting activities suitable for all ages. The poster also works as a map for the events held that day with very concise and easy to read information bites. The colours I picked are limited but I believe are eye-catching. One of the activities available is a cooking competition called “Masak Time” and will link my first deliverable to the second.


I made use of instagram’s poll and question feature for my survey as I figured that it would get the most outreach. Furthermore, since my target audience are adults and young adults, my followers were suitable for the survey. Attached is a look at my instagram survey:


Instagram Survey

Example of responses

I curated my questions to target the awareness on the importance of social cohesion between neighbours and the results are as follows.

  1. Do you know any of neighbours?

90% YES 10% NO

2. Do you know their names/have their contact numbers? 

49% YES 51% NO

3. Do you interact with them? If yes, when and how often? 

Common answers:

  • Only acknowledgements when they chance upon each other
  • Once or twice per month
  • At corridors/lift lobby
  • Special events e.g; hari raya, chinese new year etc

4. What could be possible reasons neighbours do not communicate?

Common answers:

  • Busy
  • Arrogance and unfriendliness
  • Lack of common topic
  • Racial separation
  • Shy/reserved

5. Do you think it is important in today’s context, that we know our neighbours?

90% YES 10% NO

6. Would you be open to getting to know your neighbours better?

92% YES 8% NO

7. What are some of the ways in which we can improve social cohesion between neighbours in Singapore?

Common answers:

  • Gathering during festive seasons (eat together)
  • Community gatherings/events
  • Sharing food
  • Smile more

Conclusion: From my survey, I have found that there are indeed many Singaporeans who are open to the idea of getting to know their neighbours but it has become too much of a norm for it to be awkward or weird to interact with neighbours beyond a smile or a hi. Thus, in my project, I aim to break that stigma and normalise interacting with neighbours in hopes for a stronger social cohesion between them.