2D Assignment 3 – FINAL

Assignment 3 – Final


1) Happy strawberry milkshake!

Color scheme: Triadic (red, blue, yellow)

Style: Simplistic vectorized style

In this row, I wanted to portray the excitement that I always have when I go to theme parks while riding rides such as roller coaster. Hence I’ve chosen a more cheerful palette to represent the emotion.


2) Pretty egg tart!

Color scheme: Triadic (Pink, teal, yellow)

Style: Simplistic vectorized style

In this row, I wanted to portray how happy I always feel after shopping and spending on things to pamper myself! Hence I’ve chosen a more cheeky playful palette!


3) Panic pufferfish!

Color scheme: Analogous (red, orange, yellow)

Style: Simplistic vectorized style

In this row, I wanted to portray the fear I had for cockroaches! To me, they are really dangerous creatures. The moment I saw them I legitimately just flee. The second panel was in the shade red to show that the cockroaches are “dangerous” to me, it also portrays how panic I will feel once I saw them. It is like a siren alerting in me! D: Following by the third panel with more of a yellow sunset toned down color from the red to show how relief I felt after running away from the cockroaches.


4) Awkward ostrich!

Color scheme: Analogous (Green, teal, violet)

Style: Simplistic vectorized style

In this row, I wanted to portray how I always felt during Chinese New Year family gatherings. The blues just symbolizes the fear and uneasiness feeling I had when I’m being questioned by them. In the second panel I’ve used more of a blue shade to represent fear, the fear of me needing to entertain their questions. Violet is a mysterious and moody color that just symbolized how I would like to hide myself away from all these questions and attention. Hence in the third panel, I have used violet to show how I hide and camouflage together with the willow in order to avoid them.



Being from an animation background I have always been doing digital environmental/character painting etc that is more free and instinctive style. I have always seen vectorized style everywhere on posters and have always wanted to try it out. I like how clean and simple the style is yet at the same time the usage of colors and the stylistic style really attracts me. Hence for this project, I wanted to try something different from what I used to do.



Firstly, during the brainstorming of ideas, I was too literal. So I have to try my best in thinking out of the box. Secondly, choosing a single color is easy, but choosing a palette/series of colors that has to bring out the narrative/emotion is a totally different story. At first, I was really having difficulties with the pairing of colors and also on how to apply them on to the design I have. Some things just didn’t look right when you change their colors yet at the same time you want to try your best of only sticking to the palette you have. But I’ve learned that it is okay to have other colors in my design and its ok to not stick to colors just within the palette. It is about finding a balance and unify the entire look as a whole. Lastly, the using of new software to create my design that I’m not accustomed to didn’t turn out as expected. I learn to adapt to what I can do within my abilities instead of keeping hogging onto something that may waste even more time or won’t turn out as nice.



I’ve learned that colors are all about having balance and harmony, but I know I have more to learn from. As colors is really not an easy thing to master. I’ve also learned to have better time management because 12 panels are quite a lot and I really have to pace myself.

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