Archetypes, Process || Typography

Final submission time!











not kidding i liked my first one…though  colours was so difficult for me because i kept wanting to use red, yellow, and blue. finally i just decided that i should just make this part of a blue print.








this was all hand drawn :’) even the final :’))))




when lisa showed the typography work made out of wingdings…i was inspired. so i decided to put it into context of an alien language…and because i was quoting bjork, i think it was very suitable.


The Walls Have Ears, Process || Typography

Hello! It’s been a while since I posted. Below is the process of the Typography posters 🙂

So the quotes that I had were very, um, questionable. I always stay in the school lounge till very late at night, and conversations with me always end up revolving around a very particular set of topics :,) :

  • “Listen! I know you better that you know yourself, you’re GAY”
  • “You’ve probably never had any SEX before, but that’s not how it works, Jacob!”
  • “I’d bring you to the movies but they said no outside SNACCS allowed”


From these I came up with a few concepts for the posters:

Concept 1: Open Secret

For this, I wanted to show the aspect that these quotes were supposed to be some sort of secret that someone kept but everyone else knows it (so its not really a secret anymore, more like a taboo topic)

I wanted to use the gestalt theory for this because i wanted to hide the words between each other;

Gestalting the word gay into the word STR8


Trying to use a more handwritten-like font for the word sex to try and juxtapose it with the word ANY.


i tried to make the word SEX upside down….


again with the handwritten font and the very heavy sans serif layered on top of each other. here i tried to play around with the Y-Axis of the paper but somehow this was not working.


I had lots of trouble with this concept for the last quote because i had no idea what words were more important than the other, and which two words from the quotes i should put more emphasis on.

Concept 2: Things that are not straight

I think it’s safe to say that my quotes are pretty gay. especially the first one, which was why i had another concept of just distorting the typeface:

this one looked good, but it didn’t give me gay vibes at all, it gave me more of a wavy feel


tried font manipulation, inspired by a typography poster i saw that was imposed on a piece of fabri


Felt that the concept was not strong enough, but had some potential.

Concept 3: Working the corner at the red light district

Okay i came up with this idea because i really liked neon and bold colours. I also found my quotes very sexy and scandalous, and it was time i did something daring:

section of my moodboard from pinterest

I really liked the photo of the neon lights shop at the bottom most right, which kind of inspired the use of neon signs:


i still wanted to play with the X and Y axis of my paper, and experiment with like non-linear type of story telling. i had the idea of this being a point of view of someone who lives in the red like district and his laptop is in front of a giant window that had the word SEX on a sign right in front of it.


this was inspired by the picture of the “GIRS GIRLS GIRLS” sign next to the picture of the neon lights shop. i liked the repetition because it gave a sense of urgency to it, which made the words unavoidable. kind of like how the person in the story is trying to hide his gayness but everyone else knows hes gay and just trying to get him to stop avoiding it.


I think for me i was also very concerned with how this concept might be too graphic, because i wanted the typography to stand out instead of the drawings. but after consultation that day, i developed this concept to really work with the corner/angle element that i had going on in the second drawing.


Concept 4: Late night school talks

This concept did not win but i think its worth showing my other angle for the project:

because all these were quotes from late night talks at the school lounge, i wondered what if the quotes were written in very typical college food like coffee, ramen noodles, and some actual snacks…. but to be honest i think this concept was a bit weak and safe.


i did my work in black and white first because i found it easier to focus on the layout without having colour distract me:

Quote 1

  • didn’t know if i wanted to put the “you’re” in the arrow, but after consultation i decided to leave it in
  • but i think after angling the “listen! i know..” part of the sentence to make it look part of the wall, and making the arrow thinner, it looks better
  • changed the “listen, i know…” sans serif into a serif font because i wanted that contrast
  • needed the “GAY GAY GAY” font to be thicker 🙂 because i needed to create visual hierarchy between the two sections of the quote.


Quote 2

  • wanted the 3 posters to look like a full scene when they were placed next to each other. like a tri-fold kind of view. so for this poster i wanted a central focus.
  • but i think i found it difficult to do that because the most important word in this quote, “SEX” is only 3 letters.
  • decided to go back to one of the things i learned from a youtube video, to try and play with the X and Y axis of the canvas.
  • ended up with the last one which i decided to stack the letters that make up “SEX” above each other.
  • wanted the “but that’s not how it works!” part of the sentence to be a graffiti kind of vibe, characteristic of a red light district where young hooligans would just tag the place up.
  • so i had like 3 typefaces to deal with in this poster, which was a challenge because i wanted people to read it from the left > top right > back to left > then bottom right. so i had to make the last part of the sentence look not distracting.


Quote 3

  • this was tough because the most important part of the sentence is 4 words
  • to put it into context of the narrative i had, i decided to make it a signage at the entrance to a peep show


For the colours, i already had them in mind from the start. since they were of red light district theme, they had to be feminine colours. Also because they are my favourite colours, and it just so happens that my concept allows me to have this colour combination hehe :,)

i’m not that good at colour choosing, but i learned this technique from a youtuber, where you get a picture that has the colour scheme you want, you apply the craqulee filter on it, then it gives you a palette of the photo which then you can pick and choose and see if it fits with your composition:

colour scheme 1
colour scheme 2
colour scheme 3



very proud of my work! even though it was a little embarrassing at the print shop!


Typographer of the Week, Jonathan Barnbrook || Typographer

Having visited both his individual and studio website, these are some of my opinions!:

Image result for jonathan barnbrook

I really enjoy his use of pastiche in his work! To me, even though Barnbrook is from the digital age, he shows that you can still be expressive! He reminds me of work by Neville Brody because both are kind of like postmodern rebels.

this guy….HAHAHA

His experiments with stone lettering capture my attention because it is kind of ancient but he uses machines to engrave them, which puts a whole new twist on his typographic design.

There are some interesting points that Barnbrook mentioned in the video:

  • Letterforms provides a voice for a text
  • They are a vehicle of ideological expression
  • As a graphic designer, he is slightly outside the art world because he is not an artist
  • graphic design and art have many functions: cultural, societal, beautifying, etc 
  • “Don’t be scared of the lack of experience because that’s how you begin to create things”
  • “there is no right way of doing graphic design; one of the most important things is to just follow your passion

For me, these pieces of advices and new perspectives are very useful for me as an aspiring designer!!

Reading Review & Good Practice Checklist || Typography


My understanding is that these are the first three principles:

  • Honouring the text

This is not to say that type shouldn’t be invisible, rather it is saying that type should be able to make the written word clear. The type has to draw attention to itself before it will be read, but at the same time mist relinquish that attention once the person has been captured to read it. If you ask me, that’s a pretty bold task to do.

  • Letters have a life of it’s own

The economic value of type has changed to becoming an illusion of superhuman speed, stamina patience, and precision to the writing hand. What about hand written typefaces? Maybe the fact that the handwriting typeface is consistent is what makes it more superior. Typography makes the letters come alive. Does this mean that type brings form to the spoken word?

  • Style beyond Style

Type has the power to move freely in the whole domain, as something that is durable and adaptable. It serves a s a function to step in a way that is graceful and vital, instead of lacking in originality, making it cliche and boring. It can be taken as a form of slow performing art which houses many deep emotions. For example, when I read this, I was reminded of the Hallmark greeting cards. Even though it might seem like an arbitrary thing to buy (it’s just a piece of paper i’m buying for someone else), the typeface being used is important when trying to convey a certain type of emotion. The same typeface could be used for a sister’s birthday card or a Christmas card. Maybe style here refers to more than just the design, but maybe the way the design of the typeface is being used?

Good Practice Checklist

In the reading, the authors wrote so many different types of ‘tactics’ to accomplish the principles above. Maybe because i’m a ~*~*millennial*~*~, i’m starting to design for mobile and web design. Here are some of mine (disclaimer: i’m not that smart):

  • Choose your ONE font wisely.

Not only is this for legibility, but it also should be able to stick with you throughout your entire website brand. Like, play with weights and size variants, and if you’re feeling a little crazy, italicise it. But this doesn’t mean you can’t have a another typeface. The other one should compliment your branded ™ typeface. Maybe just stick to 1-3 typefaces. This way you can honour both the words & the brand.


i’m not going to say anything


Hey this is dope and fun!


  • Size matters

Readability would be another important aspect to take note of. In a world of clickbait titles and fake news, everyone’s just trying to get their information to the most amount of readers of possible. If I find it difficult to read your words…bye! i’m going to read the same news from another news website now. As the laptop/mobile screen is limited, the size matters a lot, so maybe a very small font size for the mobile website isn’t such a good choice.


sorry grandma even i cant see anything


okay grandma i’ll book your dentist appointment now


  • Let them breathe! (kerning, tracking, and space)

Another aspect is also to take into consideration the visual layout of it all. Your website type shouldn’t have a huge chunk of text in random corners which just deters readers who now want quick and easy information. This also goes back to making sure that the kerning and tracking of the typeface you chose doesn’t unintentionally overlap each other from desktop website to mobile website.


Image result for bad website typography
mom told me to iron my website


lots of text but the type layout is very responsive to different devices


  • Hierarchy and Contrast

With the limited space on mobile, two levels would be a good limitation on hierarchy, which is different to the desktop site which is usually 3 levels. For the mobile, the copy is also lesser than the web face, so the contrast becomes exaggerated. Then, you’d have to weaken the contrast.


okay to be honest i kind of dig this website design. I want to create a website like this but as a mini challenge in a video game. I’m almost there on my OSS website with the clashing colours but i don’t want to mess with the HTML.


simple. clean. perfection.



Play Nice || Typography

All work and no play makes jack a dull boy

All work and no play makes jack a dull boy

All work and no play makes jack a dull boy

All work and no play makes jack a dull boy

For this, i didn’t want to play nice. Also because i watched a thriller movie last night, i made an inspired design: