// N u r s e r y R h y m e // Process & Final Work

Rhyme: There was an Old Woman That Lived in a Shoe

Chosen Line: She had so many children she didn’t know what to do



Thought Process

Part 1: coming up with objects

Part 2: Incorporating design synectics and adding more relatable objects

Final Work


When I looked at this sentence, I was compelled to picture how the poor woman would actually look being caught in that situation.

This led me to come up with these objects to include inside my sketches

  • eyes that looked afraid
  • hands that were cringing

Shocked MomScreen Shot 2015-10-12 at 3.03.24 PM

I went on to think of iconic people that had many children that include

  • Mother Teresa
  • Angelina Jolie

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However, after consultation, Mother Teresa was said to be too literal.

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Since Mother Teresa was rejected, I decided to work on Angelina  instead.

Children in Angelina’s eyes. That was far too creepy. But I was inclined to play with the idea of freaky, and got inspired by the Myra painting, of collaging children in the image.

Process 1

Angelina JolieMarcus-Harvey-Myra Screen Shot 2015-10-12 at 3.27.03 PM

As for the cringing hands and afraid eyes, I felt that it needed something more to get across that line of the rhyme.



Part 2: Incorporated design synectics to produce different variations

I went on to break the sentence down into two parts to choose more objects to be included


She had so many children

she didn’t know what to do

After analysing…

Babies. Children. I definitely needed them in my mood boards to get the first part of the line across

Baby sucklingScreen Shot 2015-10-12 at 2.44.12 PM

More, more. Give me moaaaaaar

I also thought of more elements / objects in my sketches that are associated with babies or kids that include

  • pacifier
  • milk bottle
  • lollipop
  • breastfeeding
  • peaceful napping

Screen Shot 2015-10-12 at 3.05.12 PMScreen Shot 2015-10-12 at 3.01.52 PMwomanScreen Shot 2015-10-12 at 3.03.24 PMBaby suckling

Having these objects ready I was almost good to go, until I contemplated on its composition.

Thank God for the enlightenment of Design Synectics I was able to churn out a couple of designs easily after applying the elements.


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Radial form

url Freaky baby with mouth open inspired from Ju-on. Inspired process 4

Baby-suckling-300x200Screen Shot 2015-10-12 at 3.01.52 PM Screen Shot 2015-10-12 at 3.00.52 PM

Yes that’s breastfeeding


Process 2

Inspired by a radial / circular design and made me think of a whirlpool, to communicate the mental state of the woman when “she didn’t know what to do”

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Screen Shot 2015-10-14 at 11.22.18 AM lalala

Final design 2

Design whirlpool movement illusion background. Abstract hexagon distortion geometric backdrop. Vector-art illustration

Process 3

I liked how the radial form brings across the meaning and at the same time creating some level of aesthetics. Therefore, I worked closely on the radial theme. Kids laying down on the floor and taking up a formation that looks like snowflakes. Inverted the colours to accentuate the mood. More radial form was added later on, in a form of thin lines to give the picture a fuller look. More will be explained at the final work section.


Radial 1.2 WhiteRadial 1.2 Black

Final work 3

Radial 1.2


Scale (and juxtaposition)

a-baby-lies-on-his-back-drinking-milk-from-his-bottleScreen Shot 2015-10-12 at 3.01.09 PM


Repetition & Scale

baby crawlingScreen Shot 2015-10-13 at 11.03.52 PM 

Process 4

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Since I was bringing across the line “She had so many children she didn’t know what to do”, the old woman was probably creeped out by the number of children she has. This one shows her point of view that probably freaked her out. This was inspired by a previous variation.







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Final 4

Screen Shot 2015-10-12 at 3.27.03 PM Design whirlpool movement illusion background. Abstract hexagon distortion geometric backdrop. Vector-art illustration

Surrounded Radial 1.2

Final 4 shows different aspects being in the situation of “She had so many children, she didn’t know what to do”

  • Emotional
  • State of Mind
  • Point of view
  • How society views her

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Printed Mood Boards

Angelina Jolie: This represents the emotional state of the woman, having so many children just like the celebrity. Angelina was a of social icons with many children, therefore I chose her. I portrayed her to look emotional, as if all the children were looking at her, wanting to be adopted. However, she already had so many children, she didnt know what to do and sheds a tear, which reflects her blood daughter Shiloh as well as one of her adopted kids.


Whirlpool: This reflects the state of mind of the woman, as she freaks out with the multiple trails of kids stepping all over her, literally. This links back to the first assignment of using lines to portray an emotion. Whirlpools in radial form depicts a person’s mind that’s going out of order, like how she is caught in the situation of having too many kids.


Baby Ambush:  This is a way to allow audience to be in the shoes of the old woman, which adds creativity with the perspective used. The “panic eye” is scaled to be bigger than the baby to show her immense state of distress.


“Snowflakes”: Looking closely, these are kids multiplied and arranged in a formation of a snowflake. My idea of this was picturing the old lady bringing all her kids to a store, where one by one of them wants to buy something and lays on the floor to in that position throwing tantrums when she says NO. (Inspired by a condom commercial). She gets embarrassed and her eyes show embarrassment, as if hiding and fading away, as well as being lost as society judges. The lines that look birdnest emotes the tingling feeling in the nerves when someone is embarrassed in a situation. The canvas was changed from black to white to accentuate the mood. Lines were added in for the embarrassing effect.



Published by

Val Lay


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