PULP FICTION: semiotics & mise en scène

PULP FICTION by Quentin Tarantino


Mise en scène is used in this scene to warn the audience of upcoming events and inform them about hidden character traits to create suspense when Vincent goes to visit Mia in her house. Mia is the wife of Marsellus Walace.


The colour scheme of the house is mainly white — very clean and crisp. White is usually a symbol of innocence and purity. However in this case is ironic because Mia and Mr. Wallace the complete opposite (drug addict and mob boss). The juxtaposition of colour scheme and personality is interesting. Every furniture is neatly placed, the setting seems uncomfortable to be in.


High key front lighting accentuates stark white colour scheme, which makes the character stand out.


We see technological devices around their home — intercoms, video cameras — which suggest that characters in living in the house (Mia and Marsellus Wallace) are wealthy. It gives viewers a hint of their personalities and lifestyle. It can also suggest that characters have something to hide — a sign of insecurity.


Vincent is in a black suit which makes him stand out in the white environment. It suggests that he does not belong in the environment and foreshadows the fact that something bad might happen if he stays in the environment for long.


Director makes use of deep space. Vincent appears very small in the large room, as if entering a lion’s den.

Staging and Acting

Vincent’s pose conveys a sense of  inferiority. He is cautious and keeping to himself.