Initial experimentations for quotes

” I open at the close”


I tried to give a literal approach of open and close with the abstract designs of the rings to kickstart any inspiration for this seemingly abstract quote. However, comments on this experimentation actually made me realise that for this project, there should not be any abstract art involved, unlike the emotions project earlier.


” Happiness can be found, in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the lightedited-1-bigger-trree-shifted-image

Again, I took on the literal sense of creating pathways with trees that are dark (darkness) and how they eventually get thinner which can be translated to the fact that the “unhappiness” is diminishing as well. However, this is too confusing and could not really relate anything to the viewer.


“Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one” 


I used overlapping landscapes with prominent paths for this quote to once again experience the literal sense of the quote first. Again, it does not relate much to the viewer and that this was pretty messy to look at.


Overall this experience was a chance for me to experiment the photoshop effects and their functions for this project since I am quite unfamiliar with photoshop. It also provided me with some insights on what were the do-nots for the upcoming designs.





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