3DII Final Project Zer0 Waste Final Model





Title of Sculpture: The Enwreathed

Concept Brief: The Enwreathed is a sculpture made to raise awareness in regards to the consequences of persistent food wastage. Unlike other types of waste which have high recycling rates, food waste has a high disposal rate and a very low recycling rate. The key to mitigate the prevailing problem is to reduce food wastage as far as possible. With the bowl of food as the centre of attention, many wired hands of different sizes and colour are seen coming out from the ground, reaching towards the bowl. This is representative of the viscous cycle of a global food crisis, throughout different countries, races and religion, including Singapore. These existing problems are further worsened by food wastage, causing a more pronounced reduction in our scarce food supply, resulting in the increasing number of people facing a more intense competition to fight for their source of sustenance.

This sculpture is mainly made of balsa wood, copper wires and steel mesh. The bowl is made up of cut up pieces of balsa wood glued together, forming the curvature for the bowl. Each piece of the balsa wood represents a different country, hence all the pieces of balsa wood adding up to the bowl eventually represents the world. The steel wire mesh represents the limited global food supply. The hands were all manually twisted from copper wires into different sizes and lengths to represent the different types of people in the world, reaching out for the food in the middle of the bowl.

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